Financial Instruments

Páginas: 2 (434 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2013
Sew What? Inc.: The Role of Information Technology in Small Business Success

How do information technologies contribute to the business success of Sew What? Inc? Give several examples from thecase regarding the business value of information technology that demonstrate this conclusion.
The teconolgias of the information are very important in any business, since if the company, whatever itssize, will not be known, you may not grow in this world or increase sales. The information technology most recommended to discover a new business is Internet, because everyone browsing the web and inthis way it is easier to see products offered by the business, in this case curtains, and know the prices and other features of it. Other forms of communication that are also relevant are the media,Classifieds street or similar, but Internet is still the best way to publicize a business.
If you were a management consultant to Sew What? Inc, what would you advise Megan Duckett to do at thispoint to be even more successful in her business? What role would information technology play in your proposals? Provide several specific recommendations.
If fuse consultant of this company, wouldrecommend Megan Duckett to expand its business with other products which may also be known, as costumes for parties, galas and concerts, since the business is sewing and can cause your company to havetwice as many success. Plays with an advantage, since the curtains are world renowned and have many customers, so if wide range and manufactures clothing for these events, you can get to increase yourprofits significantly. To do so, information technology plays a big role, so it should start hanging some costumes on the web so people can see them, and if you sell them and likes to clients, makinga mark for this clothing and provide it in the media, press and similar.

How could the use of information technology help a small business you know be more successful? Provide several examples...
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