
Páginas: 4 (850 palabras) Publicado: 14 de febrero de 2013
Finanzas Básicas

Guide to Finance Basics for Managers

Well, this is a very long and interesting document; I actually had to read it twice and I know I’ll use it in the future for reference.There’s a lot of information that obviously I didn’t know beforehand and some which I think will be a little tricky to use correctly in the short term.
Moving on to the gist of the document, I foundit surprising that managers and personnel at corporate level in the USA scored really low in a short quiz on financial terms and language which in turn should help them make their businesses moreprofitable and more efficient. These are the people who are supposed to make the most powerful world economy run smoothly when in fact they don’t have a good grasp on the real situation and as a result wecan see that their lack of knowledge is not only affecting the US economy but also the global one as well. It’s a frightening reality!
It makes me wonder if we apply this quiz to Colombian managersand corporate level officers, what would be the outcome. Personally, I believe it would be higher as I think here in my country we are better educated and prepared to run our own businesses than inthe USA, although if we take a look at the Healthcare situation – hospitals and EPS – we can see a total disregard of business basics by the people running these organizations. In short, they are liningtheir pockets and the public are suffering because of this and then the government has to bail them out.
Well, on to the quiz. I spent 15 minutes taking the quiz without reading any of the articlesor information in the document. I got 4 correct answers from 10. After reading everything I took the quiz again and scored 7 from 10. Based on this I can say that what is contained in this paper isreally useful and gave me insight as to how to use finance language better. I took the quiz for a third time and scored 9 from 10 about 2 days later.
Moving on to the other information in the paper,...
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