Fragmento "La Asamblea De Las Mujeres"

Páginas: 2 (336 palabras) Publicado: 24 de febrero de 2013
(Harrison Bergeron)
I.- In the exercise below complete the missing word. You can check the words in the box.
wince | cower | synchronize | neutralize |

1.- The loud noise caused Manuel to insurprise.
2.- Raul´s presence in the room made everyone in fear.
3.- Mario seemed to his tapping foot with the beat of the music.
4.- They managed to gravity and float in the air.

(Theteacher who changed my life)
II.- In the following exercise, you need to join both columns. Put the numbers in the parenthesis.
1.- Mentor ( ) Is a noun that means anunderstanding of the proper
thing to do or say around others.
2.- Tact ( ) Is a noun that means a wise and trustedconsuelor or
3.- Catalyst ( ) Is a noun that means something or someone that bri-ngs about change.

(A marriage proposal)
III.- In the following exercise, underline the word that isn´t according with the sentence.
1.-Lomov needed to usurper on his plans forweeks before actually doing anything
2.- Lomov does not consider himself a contrary because he thinks he owns the land in question.
3.- Natalia´s father called Lomov´s father an overeater, a meditate.4.- Lomov and Natalia are two glutton people who cannot agree on anything, no matter how unimportant the thing may be.

(The Interlopers)
IV.- Identify if the following words are a verb, anadjective or a noun.
1.- Pinioned 2.- Acquiesce
3.- Condolence

(And of clay are we created)
V.- Complete the following puzzle. Use the word bank.
tenacity |pandemonium | fortitude |
1.- Means a wild uproar.
3.- Means the quality of holding persistently
or stubbornly to something: firm determination.
2.- Means strength of mind or...
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  • La Asamblea De Mujeres
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  • Asamblea De Las Mujeres
  • asamblea de las mujeres
  • Asamblea de mujeres
  • Asamblea De Mujeres

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