
Páginas: 3 (623 palabras) Publicado: 16 de mayo de 2013
Another contribution that goes along with systems engineering is that all drivers in the world will lead to a much more secure in adverse conditions, thanks mainly to a device of only 1.7millimeters, can stabilize the car in front slippery situations with or pending that could overturn the vehicle. This new system is the result of work by a group of engineers. The device is based on asystem of micro-electromechanical gyroscope, which maintains a constant center of gravity, and a security system alerts to correct when the system detects that the vehicle starts to roll or turn. TheMEMS gyroscope is a major technological step forward, as it is capable of operating in difficult conditions and has the advantage of being relatively inexpensive. This works giving stability to thevehicle by activating the brakes when you are out of control, which avoided possible biases and swings, these sophisticated microscopic sensors have to be fast, reliable and cheap, and must operatereliably in the harsh environment automotive, covering a huge combination of factors including temperature, vibration, shock and humidity. In the coming years, this system will be as common as today arethe airbags to protect passengers, and as such, will help save millions of lives.
Otro aporte más que se va de la mano con la ingeniería de sistemas es que todos los conductores del mundo podránconducir de una forma mucho más segura ante condiciones adversas, gracias principalmente a un dispositivo de tan solo 1.7 milímetros, capaz de estabilizar el automóvil frente a situaciones con terrenosresbaladizos o pendientes que podrían hacer volcar al vehículo. Este nuevo sistema es el resultado del trabajo de un grupo de ingenieros. El dispositivo esta basado en un sistema de giroscopiomicro-electromecánico, que mantiene un constante centro de gravedad, así como un sistema de alertas de seguridad para corregir cuando el sistema detecte que el vehículo empieza a rodar o girar. El giroscopio...
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