
Páginas: 2 (291 palabras) Publicado: 4 de marzo de 2013
It’s a French Anglicism that was born specifically on the 1920’s in Paris, it was used to refer to a new type of women who adopted an androgynous figure, wanting to claim therights of women and the equality of gender , reveling themselves against traditional concepts and strict femininity than they had on those times. So their silhouettes began toappear more masculine accompanied with a short hair (practically the same as the bob cut style or shingle bob), also wearing tuxedo or suit and tie. They have their origins in aperiod of social liberalism, political turbulence and increased transatlantic cultural exchange that followed the end of World War I in France, especially in Paris, extending tothe United States, as the movement of the flappers that came to the U.S to France. However we can’t confuse the Garçonne with Flappers, the Flappers were bold and rude womens,and they were characterized by breaking the barriers of “morality”. While the Garçonne practically transvestite only in appearance hiding almost every trace of a women look, sothat they are not socially attributed her femininity with the fairer sex: their philosophy was that at the first glance were physically equal to a men, therefore could be treatedwith the same equality that one. Unlike the Flappers they prefer smoothness and politeness as a means for dialogue. However they enjoyed little feminine accessories. To them itwas just a little mockery towards men, because according to them, they were just into them if they show breast or skirt, knowing than women were more than that.
Garçonne:Garçon ("boy"), and the feminine suffix-e.
Anglicism: Loanwords from the English language to another one.
Androgynous: organism that has both male and female characteristics.
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