
Páginas: 12 (2753 palabras) Publicado: 10 de octubre de 2012
Global Warming

* Global warming is Earth´s most recent and most disturbing problem. It is caused mostly by humans and affects every living creature in the planet. It is caused by greenhouse gases, this occurs when the sun’s heat and light is trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere. A study made a few years ago demonstrated that levels of greenhouse gases are rising very fast. There are many sideeffects due to the global warming one common and most known is when it makes the sea rise and the water covers many low islands making the plants and animals living there to die. Oceans are affected in other ways also, one thing happening is warmer water, killing algae in the ocean. Fewer algae are a problem because there is less food for us and many animals in the sea. Global warming is alsocausing many fires, this happens because global warming can make the Earth very hot. Electrical pollution is also a disturbing issue, we continuously use sources of energy much more than the sources that produce less electrical pollution. When we throw garbage away, we contribute global warming; much of this garbage is burned down, which throws a big amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.Another thing that makes global warming worse is when people cut down trees. Global warming is the greatest challenge our planet is facing right now, humans have to create conscience on how to stop or prevent this.

* Many things cause global warming, one of this is electrical pollution. Electricity causes pollution in many ways and it slowly destroys our atmosphere. Most of the time, fossilfuels are burned to create electricity. Some examples of fossil fuels are oil and petroleum. Many chemicals that pollute the air are sent into the air when fossil fuels are burned. Petroleum is one of the sources of energy that is most used. It is used for transportation, making electricity and other things. Oil is used for transportation also, for plastics, for heating, etc. When we use theseresources, we are sending greenhouse gasses to the air. Polluting the earth, has become like a habit because is a thing that is done every single day. Every human being in this earth has polluted what we call “earth”. Global warming increases daily and people need to work on that.

* Greenhouse gases are gases that are in the earth´s atmosphere that collect heat from the sun. The greenhouse gasesare carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide. With too many greenhouse gases in the air, the earth´s atmosphere will get to much heat and it will be very hot. With that occurring, people, animals and plants will die because no one can resist too much heat. Greenhouse gases vary in their ability to absorb and hold heat in the atmosphere, known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouseeffect is when the temperature rises because the heat of the sun is trapped in the atmosphere of the earth. The heat and light can get through the atmosphere but it can not go out. The greenhouse effect is what makes the earth appropriate to live on. Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be literally cold, freezing. The greenhouse gases can make a big difference in the earth’s climate.Global warming is increasing constantly do to this two things. It has ups and downs, but it’s more like a problem to earth.

* People are doing many things to stop global warming. The earlier people take care of this problem, there’s less probability to let bad things happen in the atmosphere. One thing people are doing to stop this, is carpooling. Carpooling is driving with another person tothe same place both of them are going. This reduces the amount of greenhouse gases sent to the air by a car. Other people are using more the buses, some are riding their bike, and some are just walking to their places. Recycling is another good way to stop global warming. The more people recycle, less trash goes to the dump and less trash gets burned. This helps a lot to reduce the amount of...
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