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Páginas: 8 (1913 palabras) Publicado: 7 de mayo de 2011
belong to Europe's oldest and most
powerful families. This cements the alliance between the Vatican and the
"Black Nobility." The Black Nobility is mostly the rich and powerful of
Europe. The head of the Black Nobility is the family that can claim direct
descendancy from the last Roman emperor. Maybe now you can see that
things are beginning to fall into their proper place. Membership in theChapter Two Secret Societies and the New World Order • 89
Knights of Malta entails obedience to one's superior in THE ORDER and
ultimately to the Pope. Therefore, a U.S. ambassador who is also a member
of the Knights of Malta faces a conflict of interest. Why is this fact ignored?
President Bush appointed Knight of Malta Thomas Melledy to the post of
U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.
TheVatican has founded the Pope John Paul II Center for Prayer and
Study for Peace at 1711 Ocean Avenue, Springlake, New Jersey, in a mansion
overlooking the ocean. The mansion was given to the New York
Archdiocese by the estate of Elmer Bobst, who died in 1978. He was a
multimillionaire and chairman of Warner Lambert Company. Richard
Nixon was a frequent visitor. Directors of the Center were KurtWaldheim,
former Secretary General of the United Nations and ex-nazi war criminal;
Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State under Carter and member of both
the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission; Clare
Booth Luce, a dame of the Knights of Malta; and J. Peter Grace of W.R.
Grace Company, who is head of the Knights of Malta in the United States.
The Center was set up bythe Vatican as a part of the Pope's new peace
plan, which will bring the world together (see my paper "The Secret
Government"). The Center has two roles: (1) Educate Catholics and their
children to accept the New World Order. (2) Provide residence for the
world-peace-solution computer and an ongoing study for peaceful solutions
to any future problems which may endanger world peace. Thecomputer
is hooked to the world capitals via satellite. All nations have agreed
to relinquish sovereignty to the Pope and submit future problems to the
computer for solution. Of course, this will not go into effect until the New
World Order is publicly announced. I believe that the New World Order
was born in secrecy on January 19,1989. Now you know.
Acquaint yourself anew with the teachings ofJesus. Compare his
teachings with the tenets of the Illuminati and then compare it with the
following. The Vatican has stated at various times that "the Pope is for
total disarmament; the Pope is for elimination of the sovereignty of the
nation states; the Pope is also stating that property rights are not to be
considered true property rights. The Pope believes that only the Vatican
knows whatis right for man."
In the early 1940s, the I.G. Farben Chemical Company employed a
Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. The
same salesman also worked as a chemist in the manufacture of the poison
gas. This same cyanide gas along with Zyklon B and malathion was used
to exterminate millions of Jews and other groups. Their bodies were then
burned to ashes in theovens. After the war the salesman, fearing for his
life, joined the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946. One of
90 • BEHOLD A PALE HORSE William Cooper
his closest friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the mastermind behind the
November/78 to October/79 and March/80 to October/81 experimental
hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Center for Disease Control in
New York, SanFrancisco and four other American cities that loosed the
plague of AIDS upon the American people. The salesman was ordained
Poland's youngest bishop in 1958. After a 30-day reign his predecessor
was assassinated and our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as
Pope John Paul II.
1990 is the right time with the right leaders: ex-chief of the Soviet
secret police Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-chief...
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