
Páginas: 7 (1687 palabras) Publicado: 27 de enero de 2013
Final project

1.- Why did Darwin´s father once told him he would be “a disgrace to himself and to his family?” because he wasn’t a star student and was a weird kid that didn’t did what the odder kids did, he liked to do bird-watching and reading just for pleasure.
2.- What is the definition of evolution?
The noun evolution means “ the process by which organisms havechanged over time” and the verb evolve means “ the change over time”.
3.- What was the Beagle? It was a boat that had a five-years voyage in which it visited several continents and islands all around the world.
Where did it take Charles Darwin? It led Darwin to have the best idea anyone has ever had.
4.- What do you understand from the section “Species vary globally?
That Darwin visited alot of variety of habitats and notice that different species that are ecologically similar live in similar habitats but in different parts of the world
5.- What do you understand from the section “Species vary locally?
That Darwin observed that different animals that are related with each other live in different habitats but inside the same local area. This animals used to be different in someaspects because of their habitats; this aspects helped them to survive to their usual places.
6.- What do you understand from the section “Species vary over time”?
That Darwin collected fossils and he noticed that some fossils of extinct animals were like some living animals. He had a fossil of a glyptodont and he noticed that in the same area there was living a similar animal “the armadillo”so because of that he started wondering if the armadillo might be related to the glyptodont.
7.- What were Hutton´s and Lyell´s main conclusions concerning the age of the earth and the processes that took place in the past?
First hutton noticed that mountains, valleys, and different layers formed by rock looked bent or folded so he realized that some rocks are shaped or formed by the lava andthat there are other type of rocks that formed very slow. He also said that mountains formed over very long periods of time. Lyell said that geological process that we see today must be the same that happened millions of years ago like for example a volcano releasing lava, or a river craving a canyon so by these theory he discovered that the earth was very very old because if it wasn’t more than afew thousand years old a river wouldn’t had enough time to crave a valley.
8.- a) Lamarck proposed 3 ideas: a) that organisms have a tendency to become more complex and perfect
b) the law of use and disuse:
that he explained that living organisms always used to look becoming complex and perfect so because of that he thought that living organisms could changed the size or shape of their bodyby using organs in a different way for example that when a new born bird wanted to find food its little legs would change and grow for the bird to have and easier mobility and when the bird stop using its legs the legs would started to lose mobility and size.
c) the law of acquired characteristics
acquired characteristics are traits altered by an individual organism during its life.
d) WereLamarck´s ideas correct? no
Why? Because organisms are not able to change their own body , for example if a basketball player needs or wants to be taller these doesn’t mean he would grow.

9.- a) what is artificial selection?
Is when humans select the best animals or plants of one specie for their own benefit and because of that there would be better animals or plants of the specie with thecharacteristics that the human was searching to have.
b)Who “controls” the results of artificial selection?
The humans.

10.- Complete the following, using your own words
| What is it, according to Darwin? |
Struggle for existence | It is that because of the fact that more individuals that can survive are produced these individuals would need to fight for food, a home, or anything they...
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