
Páginas: 9 (2242 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
Week 9: “Like mother, like daughter”

I.1. Noun + Noun Blood relatives – Parientes de sangre Close or immediate family refers to people who are your nearest blood relatives. Family support – Apoyo de la familia She was quite homesick and felt she could have done with a little more family support. Film Star – Estrella del cine Clint Eastwood is a true film star andmovie maker. Importance of saving – Importancia de ahorrar They learned the importance of saving during the global crisis. Jaw line – Línea de la mandíbula My jaw line is my mother’s. Olive Skin – Piel trigueña/cetrina She has olive skin like her mother. Trial separation – Separación por el juzgado Their trial separation has seriously affected their children. I.2. Adjective + Noun Best friend – Mejoramigo When we were young he used to be my best friend. Broken home – Hogar roto Children whose parents have separated or divorced are said to come from a broken home. Bushy eyebrows – Cejas pobladas My father has thick hair and bushy eyebrows. Chubby cheeks – Mofletes (mejillas regordetas) My father has a round face, with chubby cheeks. Close relatives – Parientes cercanos Close relatives arethose like parents, children, brothers or sisters.

Close-knit family – Familia unida We are a very close-knit family. Coarse clothes – Ropas bastas, ordinarias He always wears coarse clothes. Confirmed bachelor – Soltero empedernido A confirmed bachelor is a man who seems to have no intention of ever marrying. Deprived home – Hogar pobre, con grandes carencias If a family is a poor one, nothaving the things that are necessary for a pleasant life, such as enough money, food or good living conditions, it can be called a deprived home. Dishevelled hair – Cabello alborotado I wouldn’t like people to see me with disheveled hair and dirty clothes [very untidy; used of people’s hair and appearance]. Distant relatives – Parientes lejanos Distant relatives are people like second cousins ordistant cousins. Droopy moustache – bigote (hacia abajo) My father has a round face, and a droopy moustache. Dumpy woman – Mujer regordeta A short, dumpy woman was selling flowers at a stall on the street corner [short and quite fat woman; used more often of women than of men]. Dysfunctional family – Familia disfuncional Simon came from a dysfunctional family, so Mary’s parents did not feel happy aboutthe marriage. Estranged husband / wife – Marido o mujer de quien alguien está separado An estranged husband/wife is one who lives in a different place and has a difficult relationship with. Extended family – Familia extensa An extended family is a wider network including grandparents, cousins, etc. Fair hair – Cabello rubio On my father’s side some relatives have fair hair and some have gingerhair. Ginger hair – Cabello pelirojo, rojizo, color zanahoria On my father’s side some relatives have fair hair and some have ginger hair. Jet-black hair – Cabello negro azabache My mother had jet-black hair when she was younger, before she went grey. Lanky youth – Joven desgarbado, larguiducho (youth = very formal word) A lanky youth was standing at the street corner [tall and thin and tending tomove awkwardly]. Late husband/wife – Difunto esposo/a She always remembers her dear late husband. Loving family – Familia afectuosa Simon came from a loving family, so Mary’s parents felt happy about the marriage.

Lovely complexion – Cutis precioso My sister has a lovely complexion. Medium height – Altura media The medium height of my class is 5 feet 11 inches. Medium weight – peso medio Themedium weight of my team is 75 kg. Multiple personality – personalidad múltiple An actor/actress has to be able to have a multiple personality. Nuclear family – Familia nuclear A nuclear family is just parents and children. Only child – Hija/o única/o When I was a child, I don’t think I was particularly spoilt, even though I was an only child. Portly gentleman – Hombre corpulento A portly gentleman...
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