Guia De Ingles

Páginas: 5 (1046 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2013
TEMA: Auxiliar Will
FECHA: ______________________________________________________________________________
COMPETENCIA: Deduce significados a partir del contexto. Utiliza expresiones cotidianas para comunicarse en inglés. Participa en forma ordenada y pertinente durantelos procesos de clase.
DESEMPEÑO: Utiliza los conocimientos previos en la asignatura para aplicar los nuevos en situaciones de la clase y exposiciones orales. Se comunica en inglés utilizando expresiones usuales del idioma. Durante el período se destaca por manejar muy bien temas como el futuro con “Will”.
PROCESOS DEL PENSAMIENTO: Razonamiento: Abstracción de similitudes y/o diferencias:capacidad para abstraer los rasgos más relevantes de dos o más conceptos que se comparan.

On the notebook,
Look at the sentences below. What do you think they have in common?
a. I would like to travel to New York City.
b. I shall be the best of my class.
c. We must be more disciplined in class.

1. Is an auxiliary verb to predict actions in the future, to promise, offer anddecide something. As most of the auxiliary verbs, Will goes in the beginning or after the wh questions, when we are asking; it goes before the pronoun when the sentence is affirmative, and when it is used in a negative sentence, it changes its form from Will to won’t.
2. It can be minimized from will to ‘ll.
3. Use a subject plus will /won’t plus base form for future predictions (I will be late / Iwon’t be late).
4. The future of there is / there are = there will be. The future of I can = I’ll be able to NOT I’ll can (because “can” is another auxiliary verb)
5. Use Will for decisions: I won’t have the fish. I’ll have the steak. We’ll take the 6:30 train.
6. Use Will for offers: I’ll help you with your homework. I will open the door for you. I’ll help you with those bags. NOT I helpyou.
7. Use Will for promises: I’ll always love you. I won’t tell anyone.

1. Look at the six promises below. What do you think they have in common?
a. I won’t tell anyone.
b. I’ll write.
c. I’ll always love you.
d. I’ll come back tomorrow.
e. I’ll pay you back tomorrow.
f. This won’t hurt.

2. Read the article one and write the correct promise in the blanks 1-6.Promises, promises
We make them and we break them because some promises are very hard to keep. Here are the top six most common broken promises…

1. _____________________
You always hear this from builders, plumbers, and electricians. But the truth is very different. They won’t come back until next week (or later). And you will problably need to call them five times first.
2. _____________________We love hearing secrets and we happily make this promise. And the time we really mean it. “Don’ worry,” we say, “your secret is safe with me.” But of course it isn’t. Research shows that everybody will always tell one other person the secret. Very soon the whole world will know!
3. _____________________
A favorite phrase of doctors, dentists, and nurses. They usually say it just before theygive you a shot. But the phrase is not complete. The full phrase is: “This won’t hurt me (but it will probably hurt you a lot).”
4. _____________________
In Hamlet, Shakespeare told us never to borrow or lend money. He was right. Whe we lend people money, they always make this promise, but then they forget. If we then ask for the money back, they think we are stingy. If we don’t ask, we never getthe money back.
5. _____________________
You make a new frien on vacation or on a long flight, you exchange e-mail addresses, and you make this promise. Six months later you find a name and e-mail address on a card or an old piece of paper. “Uh-oh!” you think – but then you remember that they didn’t write to you, either!
6. _____________________
Whitney Houston sang a song about this. Every...
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