Healing With Energy

Páginas: 19 (4632 palabras) Publicado: 17 de octubre de 2012
The first rule is, “You can’t fix them all.” Any condition in a persons’ life is the direct result of decisions made along the way whether knowingly or unknowingly. Understanding the workings of cause and effect in the mechanics of life is the underlying cause of comfort or distress. Every person has the responsibility of making his or her own decisions.They must live with the result of those decisions: at least until they learn the principles of cause and effect and begin to bring about desirable changes in their lives. It is the process of deliberate and intentional manifestation.
Disease, disability, poverty, walk in life and family are the result of past decisions resulting in lost Chards. The life we lead is not a punishment. It follows alife plan designed for the purpose of gaining understanding and to provide opportunity to regain lost Chards. Healers make a huge difference by increasing opportunities to fulfill their divine life-plan. None of us will ever know how many times we have been helped by those working behind the scenes without thought of recognition or praise. Who are they? They are the Legions of Light, Angelicbeings, Ascended Masters as well as Masters now being self realized in the physical; perhaps your next door neighbor.
Earth life is for the purpose of learning to do things for ourselves and we should not deprive others of that opportunity. Without understanding of cause and effect, they would go on their merry way recreating distress after receiving a healing. It is a mistake to heal withoutasking their own I AM presence to illuminate their minds with understanding. You may see this as a soft golden ray of light entering the person through the crown chakra in the top of the head. See the light permeate every cell of the body, finally radiating outward from the body filling all space around them. Every one could use a daily brain scrub with the gold light.
Our purpose is to help,not to hinder their personal progress. Well meaning healing sent to an accident victim can have undesirable effects. Especially when deep wounds and severed limbs or fingers are concerned. Healing energies promote rapid growth and seal damaged flesh to the point where the wound will not close and cannot grow back together. At that point, hospital practices become unable to reattach severedlimbs. Always trust the feelings of your heart rather than the emotional perceptions of the solar plexus. (Place a disk, a shield of fiery, blue light over the solar plexus to ward off undesirable emotional involvement.)
Even among those groups who regularly practice spiritual healing, there exist those who fear, doubt, or reject the idea that they can be helped. Guess what, they are correct.It is their right to make those decisions. There is a big difference between intellectual acceptance of the unseen and accepting it as personal reality. But when suddenly confronted with a life threatening condition they often turn to spiritual healing as a solution. Hope founded in fear doesn’t work. They have never accepted healing for a cut, scratch or bruise. They have no foundation fortrust. Send them to the hospital! Then work invisibly from behind the scenes. Always include family, friends and medical folks who are involved.
Don’t be discouraged in any way. Healing is initiated instantly but takes time to manifest. Our work is often better accomplished behind the scenes where rejection by the conscious mind is not a factor.
Always shieldyourselves as described earlier. Center yourself and establish the central column. Focus your energies on the pineal gland located in the center of the brain until you feel a pulse there. Then you will feel a fluttery or crawly sensation in the center of the forehead just above the brow. Direct your attention forward to that area.
Its appearance is usually a dark indigo, not black. Observe...
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