Health Guia Enfermedades

Páginas: 4 (850 palabras) Publicado: 17 de enero de 2013
Anorexia Nervosa: Lack of CH and fat- Body uses protein and causes muscle loss. Skin dry’s and bruises easily, hair is thinner and the heart rate slows down.
Human Milk Vs. Artificial Milk
65%whey 18% bovine whey
35% caseine 82% bovine caseine
First Milk
* Less allergies, Promotes Bonding between mother and son, helps mother lose weight, mother with arthritis and HIV shouldn’t breastfeed her son. Breast-feeding must be done at least for the first 48 hours because of the colostrum. Soy is a vegetable source of protein.
Nutrition and Energy
* CH 1760 KJ
* Proteins 1720* Lipids 4000
Staple Food
* Rice= CH
* Wheat= CH
* Cassava= CH
* Fish= Protein/Fat
Food Miles
Buy fresh products from your countries in order to help decrease pollution, supportlocal economy as well decrease fossil fuels.
Ethics in animal production
* Meat (transportation and slaughter), Eggs (massive production), Cows (exploit as well as the example of calf), Honey(introduction of bees), Chicken (No hormones).
* Weight gain equals to obesity, heart diseases, diabetes II, and artery blockage.
Animal welfare doesn’t eat anything that has to do withanimal’s origins example honey, eggs, and cheese. They eat legumes, vegetables, etc. in order to obtain amino acids.
Water food print
How much water is used to produce it is an environment concern.CHD and cholesterol
* Coronary heart disease. Cholesterol is produces by liver therefore animal products have a high concentration.
* Diet and CHD- more intakes of saturated fats as well ashigh level of cholesterol.
* For each 10% of cholesterol there’s an increase of 30% in CHD.
* Bile – degrades lipids
* Good or bad cholesterol is moved by blood through VLD, LD, HDlipoproteins.
* Anatomy – Ana= through tome= out. Studies the structure of the body.
* Pathology – Compares Normal Tissues to those different for example tumors, virus, and parasites.
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