Historia De La Coca

Páginas: 3 (609 palabras) Publicado: 27 de junio de 2012
Coca cola:
1.6 billom gallons are sold every year ,in over one hundred and sixty countries.the drink was invented by dr john pemberton in atlanta as a health drink on 8 may 1886 but it was given thename cocacola by his parthner,frank robinson because it was originally made fron the coca cola plant.in the first year ,only nine drinks a day were sold.
The bussines was bought by a man called AsaCandler in 1888 and teh frst factory was opened in dallas texas in 1895 .coca cola is still produced since 1895 but the recipe is still kept secret
Diet coke has been made since 1982 and over theyears many clever advertisements have been used to dell the product.it is certain that coca cola will be drunk far into the twenty first century

Tabacco was used by the american indianswith no ill –effect.in the 16 th century it was brought to europe .this early tabacco was mixed with soil and rather dirty.it was chewed or smoked in pipes only by men ,women thought it smelly anddisgusting.
It was first grown commercially in america in the 17 th century on slave plantations.in the 18 th century new technologu refined tabacco ad the first cigarettes were produced by the 1880 hugefactories were producing cugarettes wich were clean and easy to smoke.chain smoking and inhaling became possible and by the middle of teh 20 th century tabbaco addicts both men and women ,were dying oflung cancer in great numbers.
Nowadays cugarette smoking is banned in many places ,especially in teh usabut until 1820 tabacco was amerca s main export and still today their tabacco industry makesover 4.2 billon a year

Sugar:sugar cane was wrown n india thousnads of yaers ago.in roman times it was know in europe as a great luxury and it was rare and expensive for many cencenturies afterthat.in 1943 columbus took a sugar plant with him to the west indies,where ir grew so well that huge plantations were started by europeans and worked on by slaves.the slaves were shipped across the...
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