
Páginas: 2 (372 palabras) Publicado: 6 de diciembre de 2012
Universidad del Valle de México

José Roberto Zea González


Act. Integradora

An individual can make a division between temporary attitudes and stable attitudesembedded in the person manifesting them (that are already part of your character). This means, that it is not the same as someone of cheerful character, that have moments of happiness over time..

Afeature is rather stable over time, regardless of what happens on the outside. A State is something that depends on circumstance (a monumental anger that last hours not makes you someone aggressive,makes you someone pissed).

And now in what refers to the love and abuse, it is interesting to see how many relationships are in chaos (but epic may sound) not knowing this distinction (a mixture ofignorance and lack of common sense). In most relationships, love just because one of the people already cannot be more than itself to keep everything running as a principle, or according to a previousidea. Popular wisdom says that nothing is forever, everything wears out slowly and eventually stop being to become something else. A truth as a temple.
A normal relationship begins with a State, ahormonal muzzle flash caused by circumstances (by that so little like sharing responsibility, none had it, and it is attributed to the other). When two people establish a relationship on this addictiveFlash that alela les, it is said that they are in love and they have bundled (this is false and we'll see why). Over time hormone Flash is gradually losing intensity, while the members of the coupleworry that does not lower its intensity. Here is that no one knows to differentiate between what is one, and that is caused by the environment.
In a normal relationship, when something goes as notexpected, seeks a cause, a culprit. In this case is the mother nature for not having done that the hormones were prom more time, but as the couple do not know, blame the nearest involved, or himself....
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