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Páginas: 2 (260 palabras) Publicado: 24 de abril de 2012
The scientific study of interactions among organisms and between organisms and their physical environment.

Levels of organization
Species: Pink Dolphin
Population: A pack of pink dolphinsCommunity: pink dolphins, smaller fish, turtles, jelly fish, algae
Ecosystem: river
Biome: Rain Forest
Planet: Earth

Abiotic and biotic factors the affect the pink dolphins.
* Abioticfactors: the temperature of the river water, the speed of current flow, the amount of annual rain fall.
* Biotic factors: amount of fish, turtles, and jelly fish available to eat.
*Primary Producers: are the fist producers of energy-rich compound that are later used by other organisms.
* What might be a primary producer in the pink dolphin food web?
*Consumers: organism that rely on other organisms for energy and nutrients are consumers.
* The pink dolphin is a consumer.
* Here are a few types of consumers:
* Carnivore, Herbivores,Scavengers, Decomposers, Omnivores, Detritivores.
* Red= Primary Producers, Green= Herbivore, Blue=Carnivore, Purple=Omnivore, Dark Green= Detritivore, Yellow= Decomposer, Gray= Scavenger.
* Algae--)Flag fish--)Largemouth bass--)Anhinga--)Alligator
* Bottom to top
* Algae, Detritus, Plants, Deer, Moorhen, Flag fish, Grass Shrimp, Raccoon, Everglades Crayfish, Largemouth bass, Killifish, Pig Frog, Bobcat, Anhinga, Alligators, Vulture
* Primary Consumer 100%, First Level Consumer 10%, Second Level Consumer 1%, Third Level Consumer 0.1% All of them withHeat.
* Biogeochemical Cycles
* Matter is always recycled within and between ecosystems
* The water cycle
* The carbon cycle
* The nitrogen cycle
* The Phosphorus cycle* 81-85 Red Book Cycles
* Quiz= Ecology, Abiotic, Biotic, Chapter 3, Food Chain from amazon 4 animals, Amazonian 8-12 Animals, Why shaped like...
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