
Páginas: 2 (343 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2010

INSTRUCCTIONS: Please, listen to the United States of America National Anthem and answer this questions:


Do you like the UnitedStates of America National Anthem?
R= yes, is bery nice

Does the American flag have starts?
R= yes

Does the American flag have stripes?
R= yes

What colors does the American flag have?
R=Black, white, and blue

Are you proud of our Mexican Anthem?
R=more clear that I am happy to be proud

INSTRUCCTIONS: Go to this link and listen to the song. Please try tomemorize it for next class.


Frequency adverbs
The most common frequency adverbs in English are:

Always about 100% of the time
Frequently about 90%of the time
Usually about 80% of the time
Often about 70% of the time
Sometimes about 50% of the time
Occasionally about 40% of the time
Seldom about 20% of the time
Rarely about 10% of thetime
Never about 00% of the time

Nota: Los porcentajes son estimados unicamente.

Los adverbios de frecuencia pueden ser ubicados en varios puntos de la oracion, pero son comunmente masutilizados antes y despues del verbo.

I always come to work on time.
I come to work always on time.
I come to work on time always.
I always come to work on time.

EXERCISES: Read eachsentence, and place the frequency adverbs in the right place.

Nota: Para colocar los adverbios de frecuencia en cada oracion debes de considerar el porcentaje que te estoy indicando.

They arehome when we seldom call. (about 20% of the time) (
He's eating usually breakfast at this time. (about 80% of the time)
She's in her never house. (about 0% of the time)
A: Do you come oftenhere? (about 70% of the time)
B: Yes. I'm occasionally here. (about 40% of the time)
A: What do you usually do here? (about 80% of the time)
B: I have always breakfast. (about 100% of the time)
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas