
Páginas: 2 (367 palabras) Publicado: 20 de abril de 2010
¿How I can take care my horse?

The horse is a hoofed (ungulate) mammal, a subspecies of one of seven extant species of the family Equidae.

There are many kinds of horses but I’m going totell you about the one that I know. Usually on vacation I go to the town where my parents were born. My uncles have horses in that same town and they were the ones who thought me how to ride and takecare of horses.

Step 1
You have to wake up early in the morning to feed the horse; you must put one half of the pasture in to his container, then a little bit of special food for the horseand finally sprinkle some water

Step 2

If you are going to ride the horse you must tie it to a pole so it does not drink a lot of water because you will not be able to ride it if it is full ofwater and the horse could get sick

Step 3

In the afternoon after you ride the horse you should take him for a walk so the horse cools down, then you can remove the saddle and put the horseblanket on the horse

Step 4
When the horse has finally cooled down you can feed it, this is done the same way as it was done in the morning.
Finally and as an advice it does good to thehorse if every day you ride it, this is because they need training.

Hoof.- Pezuña

Ungulate.- Ungulados, nombre genérico de cualquier mamífero cuyas extremidades terminen en pezuñas. Constituyenun grupo bastante grande e incluye a animales muy diferentes en apariencia, pero que tienen en común los dedos agrupados en una pezuña.

Subspecies.- se denomina subespecie a cada uno de losgrupos en que se dividen las especies

Extant.- Existentes

Equidae.- Los équidos son una familia de mamíferos ungulados perisodáctilos, en los que hoy solamente está desarrollado el dedo medio decada extremidad. Todos los équidos actuales pertenecen a un solo género, el Equus, en el que se reconocen tres grupos de especies que corresponden a los caballos, los asnos y a las cebras.
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