
Páginas: 3 (552 palabras) Publicado: 1 de abril de 2013
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Blacker is the son of General Sir Cecil Hugh Blacker, and the brother of sculptor Philip Blacker.[3]
He grew up on the family farm in Suffolk. He attended Hawtreyspreparatory school and Wellington College before reading English at Cambridge.
Blacker began his working life in horse-racing and as an amateur jockey.[4] Subsequently he worked in publishing for 10years during the 1970s and 1980s,[4] where he was responsible for overseeing the publication of works by Jerzy Kosinski.[5]
Blacker became a full-time writer in 1983 and has written children's booksand mysteries for adults. His first children's book If I Could Work was published in 1987 and his first adult novel, FIXX, won critical acclaim and was described by The Guardian as a "tour de force".He is an active member of English PEN, and is also an EAW member.
In 1975 he married Caroline Soper, youngest daughter of the radical Methodist minister Donald Soper (div. 2001). They have twochildren Xan and Alice. Blacker's partner is now Angela Sykes.[6]
He writes a twice-weekly column for The Independent newspaper and writes the "Endpaper" for The Author. For many years, he wrote the"Harvey Porlock" column in The Sunday Times, as well as a column about the book business for Publishing News.[4]
Terence Blacker (nacido el 05 de febrero 1948 cerca de Hadleigh, Suffolk, Inglaterra) esautor, columnista, periodista y editor.
Es hijo del general sir Hugh Cecil Blacker, y hermano del escultor Felipe Blacker.
Blacker comenzó su vida laboral en las carreras de caballos como jineteaficionado. Posteriormente, trabajó en publicaciónes durante 10 años, entre los años 1970 y 1980, dónde era responsable de supervisar la publicación de obras de Jerzy Kosinski.
Blacker se convirtió enescritor a tiempo completo en 1983 y ha escrito libros para niños y libros de misterio para los adultos.
Su primer libro de niños fue publicado en 1987, y su primera novela para adultos, FIXX, en...
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