
Páginas: 4 (858 palabras) Publicado: 14 de febrero de 2013
|Name: Marla Dávila Cruz |Registration: 2689457 |
|Course title:|Teacher’s name: |
|Chemistry II |Dora Georgina Flores Morales ||Module: |Activity: |
|1.Hydrocarbons in life |Organicchemistry? |
|Date: 17/01/13 |Team: ||Bibliography: |

• Relate the sustainability of the planet with the careof its base elements, and relate the way in which these elements are combined forming compounds and mixtures.
• Associate life with its elements and compounds.
• Define organic chemistryand its importance.

Fist i´m going to searcj info of the big bang theory, and then read the information, then do a resume


The Big Bang
The big bang theory was the bestexplanation of how the universe was created.
The theory asserts that our universe was created when a tiny, super dense, super hot mass exploded and began expanding very rapidly, eventually cooling andforming into the stars and galaxies with which we are familiar. This event is said to have happened approximately 15 billion years ago. The Big Bang theory was originally developed in the late 1920s byGeorges-Henri Lemaître, a Belgian Catholic priest and astronomer. Though the expanding-universe solution to the field equations was derived by the Russian cosmologist  Alexander Friedman in 1922,...
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