
Páginas: 3 (693 palabras) Publicado: 9 de marzo de 2013
I have lived in the United States for 3 years. During my stay in the United States for the past three (3) years I have so many great experiences. i have been able to go back to school and learn a newlanguage. I never thought that I would ever had a chance of learning the English language. In the beginning, it was a little hard and confusing. I've had so much help from my professors andclassmates that now its easier for me. This has helped me in meeting many people. I know work at the school were I've studied English as a second language and I still continue working in perfecting my writing,speaking, and reading skills. Now that I left the United States and came back to Mexico City I have more opportunities to accomplish all my goals.This has been a wonderful experience. I had neverbeen in Spain, but it was awesome. I think people usually get up early for work, and they have to support their children's education. The first day I was there, I was so confused because I didn't knowwhat to do, e.g. When I was in the supermarket, a old lady told me she wanted to know me very well and I told her why it was reaseon which she wanted to know me, and then she told me that she was aneditor of a successful magazine and she wanted to write and article about me, I didn´t know what to say, but after all, she got what she wanted. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget.this is only a part.

thanks you for letting me writing you | He vivido en los Estados Unidos por 3 años. Durante mi estadía en los Estados Unidos durante los últimos tres (3) años tengoexperiencias tan grandes. he sido capaz de volver a la escuela y aprender un nuevo idioma. Nunca pensé que yo nunca tuvieron la oportunidad de aprender el idioma Inglés. En el principio, era un poco difícil yconfuso. He tenido mucha ayuda de mis profesores y compañeros de clase que ahora es más fácil para mí. Esto me ha ayudado en el cumplimiento de muchas personas. Sé que el trabajo en la escuela donde...
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