
Páginas: 5 (1147 palabras) Publicado: 13 de marzo de 2013
Oziel Sepulveda

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is novel in which government controls all aspects of the humanity’s lives. The novel warns the future generations about what would happen if the government, science, and technology to take over our morals and values. In the book Huxley uses several literary elements to demonstrate what outworld may become if we are not careful. “Is a fantasy of the future which sheds a blazing, critical light on the present” quoted from the back of the book.

Brave New World has several themes that are covered throughout the book. This society full of technology and science, this society that has no desire on knowing what society within itself really is but just basic cover of what everyonealready know about it. Although this society is really heartless, they believe in a “god”. This god is known as Henry Ford, one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Mentioned in occasions in the book, praising him as it is “Our Ford loved infants” (94) mentioned by Bernard. “My father! Oh Ford, oh Ford!” (151) which is mentioned by another character also describes as how just his wordis used as something superior than everyone else, a god.

This society is also factorized; everything is human made due to the advance science that they had reached. Everything is controlled by the government, groups, and even births. “Standard men and women; in uniform batches. The whole of a small factory staffed with the products of a single boakanoviskified egg.” (7) All these eggs arespecifically made for a reason. “One by one the eggs were transferred from their test tubes to larger containers” (9) explains how everyone comes from basically factories that make eggs. All these eggs have been modified to make society “perfect”, “No pains have been spared to make your lives emotionally easy – to preserve you, so far as possible, from having emotions at all.” (44).

Another themethat focuses that society is all divided into different levels. Alphas which wear grey and are basically superior and more intelligent clearly stated by a Beta “They work much harder than we do, because they’re so frightfully clever” (27). Gammas are stupid, wear green while Deltas wear khaki. Epsilons which wear black are known to be the dumbest and are looked down upon. But also society hasbeen taught to be happy with what they’re, to be ok with what they have been created to be which brings the whole “perfect world” situation. This Beta is happy to be what he is “I’m really awfully glad I’m a Bet, because I don’t work as hard.” (27).

Direct characterization is something that is used with certain characters in the story. John he is the outsider among the Indians since they don’tlet him participate in their rituals. Also his participation in the final orgy and his suicide can be a result of the reality of the world around him and his values. Bernard Marx is more like the central figure of the novel, he isn’t a hero or anything but he is human because we wants thing that he can’t have. Which brings Helmholtz Watson to the subject, Helmholtz is everything Bernard wishes hecould be. Helmholtz is very happy with what he is, attractive, strong and intelligent but he also believes that everything around him is shallow and that he is what he is because of what surrounds him.

Indirect characterization is used in the novel as well. There is this part of the book that I can barely recall but I know would fit this section, I don’t remember the page it was on and Itried to look for it but I couldn’t come upon it. It’s something about when the controller is speaking to the children but he is really speaking to himself instead about the disgusting word of mom was. Bernard and Lenina think the tribal ritual are repulsive and don’t really want anything to do with them. John finds closure with Shakespeare’s novels and poetry. Mustapha Mond is an individual...
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