
Páginas: 2 (345 palabras) Publicado: 21 de abril de 2011
[have + person + verb]
This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."
• Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature.
• Pleasehave your secretary fax me the information.
• I had the mechanic check the brakes.
[get + person + to + verb]
This construction usually means "to convince to do something" or "totrick someone into doing something."
• Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible.
• How can parents get their children to read more?
• The government TVcommercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.
Get vs. Have
Sometimes "get someone to do something" is interchangeable with "have someone do something," but these expressions do not mean exactly thesame thing.
• I got the mechanic to check my brakes.
At first the mechanic didn't think it was necessary, but I convinced him to check the brakes.
• I had the mechanic check my brakes.. Estructuras causativas con GET:
• get + complemento + infinitivo – siginifica “hacer que alguien o algo preste algún servicio”. Existe una connotación de resistencia o dificuldad:
Get yourfather to help you with your homework!
I can’t get the car to start.
En esta construcción, el complemento es el sujeto del infinitivo.
• get + complemento+participio pasado – significa “causar que algose haga”. El participio pasado es equivalente a la voz pasiva:
I need to get my watch repaired.
I got my photo taken for the new passport.
En esta construcción, el complemento no es el sujeto delparticipio, sino que recibe la acción expresada por el participio. Por eso hablamos de equivalencia con la voz pasiva.
2. Estructuras causativas con HAVE:
• have + complemento + infinitivo sin “to” –su significado es similar al de la estructura con get, con la diferencia de que se utiliza sobretodo en inglés americano y no existe una connotación de resistencia:
They had us take off our shoes...
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