
Páginas: 2 (259 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
1 what are the aspect of productivity evaluation?

Workflow processing and resource scheduling

2 how is call and what is automated lodging in fro?

An automatedlodging in fro system is called
PMS: property management systems it’s a set of application programs directly relate to hotel front office and back office activities

3 whatmodule is generally daily for arriving guest?


4 stand- allow technology system that may link to a hotel property management system are call and how itworks?

Stand alone applications: series of programs or modules
- reservation, room management, guest accounting functions
- point of sale system- call accounting sale system
- electronic locking sale system
- energy management sale system

5 what systems is used with cash register, back out readersReservation module

6 wich system is used with cash registers, back out ?


7 what systems management list of audio- visual a other equipment?

Mac officeinventory system which

8 how can you monitor the colletion of estading balance of gues account?

Using a guest accounting module

9 what control the flow of informationallow the network anal can we used as internet?


10 what is url?

url: uniform resource locater is what designt the internet address

11 what is avirtual community?
Social network

12 named 5 In-put?

Inputs: keyboards, touch screen terminals

13 named 5 out-put?

Outputs: monitors, printers

14 what systemneed a multi property hospitality organization?

The enterprise system

15 how is call when the connection between input and out put is not direct the cpu?

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