
Páginas: 4 (841 palabras) Publicado: 17 de agosto de 2012
Aircraft Accident Investigation
Aerodynamics and Icing Effects

Power Point by D. Johnson ERAU

Aircraft Performance, Icing, Stability, and Control
Determining Aircraft Performance
• • • Itmay be necessary for accident investigators to reconstruct the final maneuvering performance of an aircraft. In order to perform the calculations necessary for such an analysis, a high degree oftraining and experience is required. Some of the subjects addressed in an analysis of this nature are:
– – – – – – – – Forces acting on maneuvering aircraft. Turn radius. Rate of Turn. Aerodynamics.Kinetic & Potential energy factors. Vertical and Horizontal Velocity. Interaction between various “G” forces. Rates of acceleration and deceleration.

Complicated calculations, thorough knowledge ofaerodynamics, and some experience (at the very least) may be needed for the reconstruction process.
Power Point by D. Johnson ERAU

Aerodynamics Review

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Lift Weight Thrust Drag

Allforces are equal in: Level Flight Stabilized Climb Stabilized Descent

Power Point by D. Johnson ERAU

Aerodynamics Review

Power Point by D. Johnson ERAU

Aerodynamics Review: Lift
Liftwas discovered by Italian scientist Bernoulli who determined that a liquid flowing through a restricted area tends to increase in speed as it passes through the restricted area of the tube. Bernoullialso discovered that a pressure change occurs as the liquid passing through the restriction increased in speed. Air is a liquid and reacts in the same manner. As air passes over a curved surface, theair increases in speed to catch the air flowing on the underside of the surface when the air masses again meet. The upper surface of a wing is curved to cause a delay in the air flowing over the top ofthe wing versus the air flowing under the wing. The delay forces the air to increase in speed and creates a low pressure system on the top of the wing. The air on the bottom of the wing travels at...
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