
Páginas: 9 (2014 palabras) Publicado: 29 de diciembre de 2012
The Indian life was very important in all of the America’s history, but more important in the Unites States. Most Scientifics have said that people had arrived to the Americas in small groups throughout the coast between Siberia in Alaska looking for food by 13,000 B.C.E. But they really arrived to North America thanks to a passage in the Rocky Mountains formed owing to the melted glaciers. Onthe one hand, some Natives Americans asserted that their origin was in the Western Hemisphere. On the other hand, others stated that the stories do not facilitate the place. But the most important aspect was the arrival of the white man in the Indian life.
This essay will analyze the cultural change which Indians suffers when they were in contact with the white people. When European societyarrived in the fifteenth and sixteenth to the new world, there was a exchange such as plants and animals, but also a bad exchange, because of the diseases. These changes affected everybody in the world, because there were new provisions and sicknesses in Europe and America.
But to know how this changes influenced in Indians, it is important to be aware of how the Indians lived. First of all, thestereotype of the Indian (living in a tepee, wearing feather headdress, long braids of black hair,...) which people have is wrong. In some aspects it is true, but not all the characteristics together. People have mixed different aspects of different tribes of American Indians. Apart from that, the population of an Indian group is not bigger than a hundred persons of different ages, and each communityhad their own boss or master. When a group started to have a big population, it was divided in two with two different masters. Some tribes lived in villages with a council, but if one of them was not agreed with this council, it refused to help it. Infrequently, the pressure of unfriendly bands required the union of villages, for example, with the appearance of whites, Indians only had onesolution, they had to co-operate together if they wanted to have hope to win. But before the fighting, the alliances broke down. Although some of them remained such as the Iroquis League or the Pawnee Republic. These formed the first stage of the Indian nations. About their daily life, the first aspect which there is to mention is that they did not know of agriculture. Their economic base was hunting,so they lived as our ancestor. Hunting was to men, but if they had a garden plot cultivated, this was job to women. They only used animals to feed themselves, domesticated animals were not discovered by the Indians. In spite of the fact that they needed to learn a lot of things, they do not use the killing animals only to eat, they also produced by-products such as skin and sinew (the mostimportant) or hoofs, bones, hair and so on. Besides this, fishing is unusual except in the Columbia River, Virginia and New Jersey.
In contrast with the entrance of white people, Indian received three strange gifts from them: gun, liquor and the horse. In some parts of the map, horses did not growth to the same level the other two presents. Indians also offered things to European people, the Indiandonations were tobacco, maize and woodcraft. It is said that the alcohol was transferred for tobacco, and two things increased a lot and became the universal passions.
First of all, this essay will study the appearance of the gun in the Indian society. Some tales tells that Indians were very frightened with guns, but archaeologists have some doubts because it is known that Indians were learnt inbravery and self-control, in short, they would have been surprised with this new kind of weapons, but they also fought with the enemies owing to their courage. Of course, they wanted to own these new firearms, so these became the most successful thing of the time. And, although the gun was a very great object to the Indian, it was also an obstacle since they could neither make a gun nor produce...
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