
Páginas: 7 (1711 palabras) Publicado: 23 de febrero de 2013
Business Intelligence and Shopper Insights Part 2: Category Management Using Shopper Insights
(Business Intelligence y Shopper Insights: Parte 2: El Category Management Utilizando Shopper Insights)

Por: David Marcotte

Uno de los retos que se originan por el uso progresivo de Shopper Insights, es la necesidad de un lenguaje diferente para definir y cambiar la conducta de los shoppers, quesea consistente y rentable. En este artículo, veremos el impacto de tener esa información, en relación a un muy usado proceso, como lo es el Category Management.

The retail environment again finds itself in the midst of a second business intelligence revolution but the changes are not quite as stark as during the prior one, which propelled category management into being. All the basic toolsthat came into existence 15 + years ago have now either become automated (e.g., Galleria generation of store-specific planograms), considerably more user-friendly (e.g., Easy Miner for graphical data mining), or are capable of much larger storage and processing of data (remember that the largest mainframe 15 years ago was perhaps the same size as a standard notebook PC today). What has changed is theintroduction of Shopper Insights information, which makes a significant shift in thinking about category management. Revitalization may be one of the unexpected impacts of adding this new information stream to the category management process. With the emergence of new sources of robust information beyond the base product level, there is a shift in viewing the process as a whole. Key stages thatwere defined early on and neglected ever since, are now being addressed via Shopper Insights capability to generate answers to:
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David Marcotte
OCUPA el cargo de Senior Vice President Retail Insights Americas en KantaRetail. David tiene una amplia experiencia en Retail Internacional, Gestión de la Cadena de Abastecimiento e Inteligencia de Negocios. Más de 25 años deexperiencia en industrias productivas y de Retail con responsabilidades a nivel operacional y corporativo. ES miembro de la Joint Industry Force on Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) and Category Management, la que establece las mejores prácticas para la industria del retail. Ha contribuido en la mayoría de las 31 publicaciones que ha creado ese grupo y, recientemente, estuvo involucrado en la redacción deData Poor Category Management for Perishables and Collaborative Relationship Case Studies. KANTAR Retail es un negocio de insight global y consultorías que entrega soluciones tangibles y transformacionales de crecimiento a prestigiosas marcas y compañías del mundo y que ayuda a los retailers y proveedores a vender más, más rentablemente. EN Chile, sostienen una alianza con XPGConsultNet, empresaque a través de sus servicios de consultoría y capacitación, ayuda a Proveedores y Retailers a mejorar su relación, agregando valor en las áreas de Ventas, Marketing, Supply Chain, Finanzas e Innovación.

How do consumers and shoppers define a product group? (Category Definition) What products are shopped by customers in predictable groups? (Category Definition) How does a customer view and usethe category? (Category Definition and Role) What is the decision tree that a shopper uses to select a product? (Category Definition) How important are unique products to the shopper? (Category Role) Is there an affinity between products that drives profitable behavior? (Category Role and Strategy) What products are causing shoppers to come from the largest area around a store? (Category Role) Howdo shoppers respond to changes in ads and product placement? (Category Strategy) How did defined shopper segments respond to changes in the category? (Category Assessment and Review)

These are not new questions; they were part of the original subprocesses and clarification routines set in category management when it was standardized over a decade ago. But due to the inherent weakness of...
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