Ingeniero de sistemas

Páginas: 6 (1343 palabras) Publicado: 9 de noviembre de 2009
El camino a Cristo
White, Ellen G. Steps to Christ. White, Elena G. El camino a Cristo. Phoenix, Arizona: .
Steps to Christ concentrates on God's inclusive love for His people and His merciful nature. El camino a Cristo se centra en el amor incluyente de Dios para su pueblo y su naturaleza misericordiosa. Ellen White addresses how we can all be saved by grace and how we can become betterChristians. Elena G. de White se ocupa de cómo todos podemos ser salvos por la gracia y cómo podemos llegar a ser mejores cristianos. She dedicates each chapter to describe ways to get closer to God, following a set of steps that require higher and higher dedication and more understanding of God's wisdom; Steps that will lead you to God; Steps to Christ. Se dedica cada capítulo a describir la manera deacercarse a Dios, a raíz de una serie de pasos que requieren dedicación más y más y más la comprensión de la sabiduría de Dios, los pasos que te llevará a Dios, camino a Cristo.
In my opinion, the most critical points the author presents in Steps to Christ are the ones dealing with Repentance and with Doubt. En mi opinión, los puntos más críticos, el autor presenta en los pasos de Cristo son losque tienen que ver con el arrepentimiento y con la duda. Repentance is a delicate matter because it relates to the fact that some people might think that they are repenting from their sins when in fact they are just doing it out of fear of being punished; they are not truly lamenting the sins that they committed; they lament the suffering that will take place because of their sins. Elarrepentimiento es un asunto delicado porque se relaciona con el hecho de que algunas personas podrían pensar que se arrepiente de sus pecados, cuando en realidad no son más que hacerlo por miedo de ser castigados, no son realmente lamentar los pecados que han cometido, sino que lamento el sufrimiento que se llevará a cabo a causa de sus pecados.
The second Critical point of this book is the chapter thatdeals with Doubt because one can never be certain about everything and there are a lot of things th El segundo punto crítico de este libro es el capítulo que trata de la duda, porque uno nunca puede estar seguro de todo y hay un montón de cosas o
The seventh chapter of the book, "The test of discipleship," refers to new Disciples of Christ or new believers. El séptimo capítulo del libro, "La pruebade discipulado", se refiere a los nuevos discípulos de Cristo o de los nuevos creyentes. The Holy Spirit works quietly but its results can be clearly noticed. El Espíritu Santo trabaja en silencio, pero sus resultados pueden ser claramente observado. The new followers of Christ change the way they behave and act towards others through the purifying power of the Holy Spirit and start showing the"loveliness of the character of Christ." Los nuevos seguidores de Cristo cambiar su forma de comportarse y actuar hacia los demás a través del poder purificador del Espíritu Santo, y empezar a mostrar la "belleza de la naturaleza de Cristo". God's Character is also demonstrated through his law, for it was the "foundation of His government in heaven and earth." El carácter de Dios se manifiestatambién a través de su ley, ya que era el "fundamento de su gobierno en el cielo y la tierra." (White 40) (Blanco 40)
The first chapter of the book, "God's Love for Man, was written to show us the quality of God's love. It illustrates the inclusiveness and the acceptance presented to us by God and how we can just look around us and to the nature that surrounds us to understand a little more about Godand his mercy. We learn that even though we are sinners, separated from God by "breaking his rule of love," we receive blessings at every moment. "God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten son..." Jesus, the one and only Son of God, that was once "one" with God, was brought to earth to feel the burden of our own sins. That is how much God loves us, his children, and his kingdom....
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