
Páginas: 8 (1830 palabras) Publicado: 2 de enero de 2013

Englsih Structure

Origins of most important martial arts in Japan
Javier Sánchez Coronel

To kill certainly was the fundamental aspect of the ancient war arts; in japan they took the name of “Bugei”. In 230 B.c. as many documents say, in that country already existed fight tournaments (mortal combats) in wich occasionally both fighters died.
It’sinteresting how Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba said (Son of the Ai-Ki-Do, Morihei Ueshiba) “ earlies XVII century, The way of the sword transformed the sword that kills in the sword that protects life”
It is in this time when begins the “BU-DO” replacing “Bugei.”, and in some cases the changes have been positive for the progress of it. Like in the case of the Ai-ki-do, developed byMorihei Ueshiva, and comes from Aiki-Jujutsu (a very ancient war martial art)”.
Nowadays we can see a great diversity of styles born in the schools that held their techniques for many time in secret inside the old families.
If we observe very carefully, we can notice that in some way, martial arts from all Asia have alike techniques, and there are lots of them that try tosatisfy this question, but the most accepted is that martial arts come from India, and since the beginning they were taught by a monk to his disciples like a dynamic way that mixed the religious practices, and in that way this martial arts were extended in all Asia, finding a very extended development with the pass of time.
It’s important to consider that there are a combat tecniques thathave like objective to eliminate the oponent, like we can find the martial arts with a path (spiritual path inspired by western religions), this path in Japanese is called “Do”.

• Bu-do (the way of the warrior).
Samurais were warriors, merciless killers, defended their country, and had a code, which was respected and followed, called Bu-Shi-Do.They adored they’re emperor, protected lands, and had the right to kill any unrespectful plebeian, but if they committed any failure, they have to follw their code, and have enough courage to kill themselves.
Bu-Do means “the way of the warrior”: This involves every Japanese martial arts. It’s composed by the relationship between ethic, philosophy and religions, and it’s based on theserch for answers for the questions: Who are we?, and where do we come from?
In Japanese “Do” means way. Japanese Martial Arts aren’t exactly fight styles, they have a way to be followed and understood. But “Bu” means warrior. The Budo fights to find the maestry and peace for oneself.
“Do” is the teaching method, which can be perfectly understood the real nature through theself-experience.

• Bu-shi-do (The Samurai Code).
The concept for Samurai changes considerably by the own judgment. Some people consider them profesionals, brave warriors and excellent slayers. But with romantics describe them in a way that make them alike the old legendary European knights from the ages of the kings, or maybe, inboth sides.
Like i mentioned before, Samurais had lots of privileges. They didn’t work, didn’t pay taxes either. Also had the (legal) right to kill any one they consider necessary to.
It’s obvious that with all that power they needed a code to rule their behavior. And that’s the Bu-shi-do was created for, what literally means “the warrior Code”. This code was nevercompiled, but was prevailing sins XII century to XIX century.
The samurai faithfully followed this strict code; it was its life style. They had a great honor and loyalty sense, and if they failed to the code, in it was written that the Samurai sould commit Hara-Kiri (stomach cut), also known as Sepuku (suicide)
The thought of this men, many times confuses occidental minds, thus...
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