Inglés Basico

Páginas: 2 (387 palabras) Publicado: 10 de agosto de 2012
Completa colocando el verbo entre paréntesis en Simple Present o Simple Past.
Principio del formulario
1. Everyday I (go)  to school.
 2. Lastyear we (visit)  our grandchildren.
3. Jane often (cook)  a meal for her husband.
4. Yesterday, she (have)  lunch with her sister.
5. Last week, Rob (buy)  a new car.
6. I (send)  three lettersyesterday.
7. We (invite)  our family for dinner last night.
8. We always (invite)  our family for dinner on Sundays.
9. Jane usually (take)  the bus.
10. Yesterday, Jane (take)  the train.Reescribe las siguientes oraciones en tiempo pasado simple. Respeta las mayúsculas, minúsculas y signos de puntuación.
Principio del formulario
1. I go to school in the morning.

2. Diane is verytired.

3. You are at home.

4. I have breakfast.

5. Thomas and Nick play tennis all day.

6. The plane arrives at half past ten.

7. I study English at home.

8. They stay all night infront of the computer.

9. It is ten past eleven.

Final del formulario

2. Escribe el pasado simple de los verbos siguientes. Ten en cuenta quehay verbos regulares
(añaden –ed)
y verbosirregulares
(tienes que coger la2ª columna)
1. get …………………2. eat …………………3. pay …………………4. make ………….….5. give ………..….……16. leave ………………27. see …………………38. go ……………………49. hear ……………...…510. find…………………611. buy ……………..……712. know …………………813. stand ………..………914. take …………….……1015. do ………………………1116. put ………………17. tell ………………18. lose ………….…19. think ……………20. speak……………

2.Que hiciste ayer:

Completa las frases con el verbo en forma negativa:
a) I
John, but he
didn’t see
b) They worked on Monday but they ...................................... on Tuesday
c) Wewent to the shop but we ................................... to the bank
d) She had a pen but she .................................... any paper
e) Jack learnt French at school but he...
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