Ingles 3

Páginas: 2 (495 palabras) Publicado: 4 de junio de 2012
Aches and pains (VOCABULARY)
(HAVE)Fever: Fiebre | (HAVE)Hay fever: Alergia al polvo |
(GET)The Flu: La gripe / Influenza | (GET/HAVE)Bruise: Moretón |
(HAVE)Cough: Tos (er) | (HAVE)Asthma:Asma |
(HAVE) Stomachache: Dolor de estomago | (GET A)Sunburn: Quemadura de sol |
(HAVE)Toothache: Dolor de muela | (GET AN)Insect Bite: Mordida de insect |
(HAVE) Headache: Jaqueca | (GET AN)Beeting: Picadura de abeja |
(FEEL) Sick: Enfermo | (HAVE) Itchy eyes: Picazón de ojos |
(FEEL) Allergy: Alergia | (HAVE) Rash: Irritación cutanea |
(FEEL) Sore throat: Dolor de garganta | (HAVE)Cut: Corte |
(FEEL) Sneeze: Estornudo (ar) | (HAVE) Sore muscles: Dolor muscular |

Joining clauses with IF (si) and WHEN (cuando)
What do you take when you have a cold?
I don’t take anythingwhen I have a cold
When I have a cold, I don’t take anything

What do you do if you get a really bad cold?
If I get a really bad cold, I drink hot vinegar with honey
I drink hot vinegar with honeyif I get a really bad cold

Present Continuous for the future; going to
You can use the present continuous or going to to talk about plans.
The present continuous is often used for plans withspecific times or places.
What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?
We’re going to the sea grill for dinner
We’re meeting friends there at 8:30

What are you going to do for New Year’s Eve?
We’regoing to go somewhere for dinner
We’re going to meet some friends at a restaurant

You can also use going to for predictions
It’s going to be fun. (NOT it’s being fun)
It’s going to snowtomorrow. (NOT it’s snowing tomorrow)

January | May | September |
February | June | October |
March | July | November |
April | August | December |

1st |First | 17th | Seventeenth |
2nd | Second | 18th | Eighteenth |
3rd | Third | 19th | Nineteenth |
4th | Fourth | 20th | Twentieth |
5th | Fifth | 21st | Twenty – first |
6th | Sixth | 22nd...
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