Ingles. info 2º bachiller (català)

Páginas: 5 (1151 palabras) Publicado: 11 de junio de 2011
1. Useful terms to describe INTELLECTUAL ABILITY

1. Bright: brilliant 1. Half-witted: enze, imbecil
2. Smart: llest 2. Stupid: estúpid
3. Clever: viu, llest 3. Dumb: totxo

2. Useful terms to describe someone’s PERSONALITY and CHARACTER

1. Optimistic: optimista
2. Pessimistic: pessimista
3. Extroverted: extrovertit
4. Introverted: introvertit
5. Relaxed:tranquil, assossegat
6. Tense: tens
7. Sensible: sensat
8 Down-to-earth: realista, pràctic
9 Sensitive: sensible
10 Sociable: sociable (+)
11. Gregarious: gregari (-)
12. Argumentative: buscaraons (-)
13. Quarrelsome: baralladís, buscabregues (-)
14. Cruel: cruel (-)
15. Sadistic: sàdic (-)
16. Rude: maleducat (-)
17. Kind: amable (+)
18. Honest: honrat, integer (+)19. Reliable: digne de confiança (+)
20. Jealous: gelós ()
21. Envious: envejós (-)
22. Determined: decidit, resolut (+)
23. Obstinate: obstinat (-)
24. Thrifty: estalviador (+)
25. Tight-fisted: avar (-)
26. Self-assured: segur de si mateix (+)
27. Self-important: presumit, vanitós, presumptuous (-)
28. Assertive: assertiu (+)29. Aggressive: agressiu (-)
30. Original: original (+)
31. Weird: rar (-)
32. Broad-minded: tolerant (+)
33. Narrow-minded: intolerant (-)
34. Inquiring: curiós, inquiet (+)
35. Inquisitive: tafaner (-)
36. Generous: generous (+)
37. Extravagant: excessiu, malgastador (-)
38. Ambitious: ambiciós (+)
39. pushy: ambiciós (-)

Other termsrelated to someone’s CHARACTER or PERSONALITY.

Absent-minded: despistat
Active: actiu
Bad-tempered: maleducat
Bold: atrevit
Careless: imprudent, descurós
Careful: prudent, curós
Cold-blooded: insensible
Conservative: conservador
Clumsy: maldestre, potiner
Discreet: discret,modest
Disgraceful: vergonyós
Dull: inactiu, avorrit
Earnest: sincer, formal, seriós
Easy-going: avinet,flexible
Enterprising: emprenador
Friendly: amable
Good-tempered: amable, jovial
Grouchy: rondinaire
Hateful: odiós
Humble: humil
Hypocritical: hipòcrita
Impatient: impacinet
Independent: independent
Irritable: malhumorat
Jinxed: sense sort, gafat
Kind-hearted: de bon cor
Lively: alegre, viu, enèrgic
Loutish: grosser, groller
Mean: menyspreable, vil
Naughty: entremeliat, desobedientGentle: pacific, temperat
Moody: de character variable
Naïve: ingénue, candid
Nasty: brut, groller, desagradable
Patient: pacient
Passive: passiu
Pleasant: agradable
Proud: orgullós
Ordinary: normal i corrent
Quick-tempered: que s’enfada per no res
Quick-witted: perspicàs
Supportive: comprensiu
Stern: dur, estricta
Strong-minded: resolt, decidit
Shy: timid
Wicked: malvat

Terms related to FEELINGS

Ecstatic: eufòric Disappointed: decebut
Content: content Distressed: afligit, engoixat
Cheerful: alegre Down: abatut
Grateful: agraït Frightened: espantat
Delighted: encantat Scared: molt espantat
Glad: content Afraid: espantat
Miserable: desgraciat happy: feliç
Discontented: discontent Unhappy: infeliç
Fed up/Sick and tired:fart hopeful: esperançat
Depressed: deprimit upset: trasbalsat, molest
Frustrated: frustrat Fine: bé
Confused/mixed up: confús Well: bé

Excited: emocionat, il•lusionat Nervous: nerviós
Inspired: inspirat Tense: tens, tibat
Enthusiastic: entusiasmat Great: molt bé
Cross: enfadat Ashamed: avergonyit (from guilt)
Angry: emprenyat Embarrassed: avergonyitFurious: furiós Concerned: preocupat
Anxious: ansiós/nerviós Pleased: satisfet
Apprehensive: aprensiu Satisfied: satisfet
Worried: preocupat Bored: avorrit
Dismayed: consternat, alarmat Surprised: sorprés
Appalled: horroritzat Amazed: sorprés, admirat
Disgusted: fer fàstic Astonished: astorat, parat

Terms related to one’s APPEARANCE CLOTHES

Attractive: atractiu...
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