
Páginas: 3 (707 palabras) Publicado: 24 de mayo de 2012
Yo | I |
Tu | You |
El | He |
Ella | She |
El/ella (objeto) | It |
Nosotros | We |
Vosotros | You |
Ellos/ellas | They |
Padre | Father | Suegro | Father-in-law |
Madre | Mother |Suegra | Mother-in-law |
Hermano | Brother | Yerno | Son-in-law |
Hermana | Sister | Nuera | Daughter-in-law |
Hijo | Son | Cuñado | Brother-in-law |
Hija | Daughter | Cuñada | Sister-in-law |Abuelo | Grandfather | Primo | Cousin |
Abuela | Grandmother | Sobrino | Nephew |
Nieto | Grandson | Sobrina | Niece |
Nieta | Granddaughter | Tío | Uncle |
Tía | Aunt |   | |

| | || Yo soy/estoy | I am | |
| Tu eres/estás | You are | |
| El/ella es/está | He/she/it is | |
| Nosotros somos/estamos | We are | |
| Vosotros sois/estáis | You are | |
|Ellos/ellas son/están | They are | |

| | |
| Yo era/estaba (fui/estuve) | I was | |
| Tu eras/estabas (fuiste/estuviste) | You were | |
| El/ella era/estaba (fue/estuvo) | He/she/it was ||
| Nosotros éramos/estábamos (fuimos/estuvimos) | We were | |
| Vosotros erais/estabais (fuisteis/estuvisteis) | You were | |
| Ellos/ellas eran/estaban (fueron/estuvieron) | They were ||
| | |
Cuerpo | Body | Pierna | Leg |
Cabeza | Head | Rodilla | Knee |
Cuello | Neck | Pie | Foot (feet) |
Hombro | Shoulder | Uña | Nail |
Brazo | Arm | Músculo | Muscle |
Codo |Elbow | Hueso | Bone |
Mano | Hand | Piel | Skin |
Dedo | Finger | Pelo | Hair |
Pecho | Chest | Espalda | Back |
Barriga | Belly |   | |
* El verbo "to have" en inglés es equivalente alos verbos "haber" y "tener" en castellano. Su declinación en el presente del indicativo (simple present) es la siguiente: 
| | |
| Yo he/tengo | I have | |
| Tu has/tienes | You have | || El/ella ha/tiene | He/she/it has | |
| Nosotros hemos/tenemos | We have | |
| Vosotros habéis/tenéis | You have | |
| Ellos/ellas han/tienen | They have | |
| | |

| | |...
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