Inmigración españa

Páginas: 3 (677 palabras) Publicado: 4 de abril de 2011
Immigration in Spain

Spain a country of emigrants. Spain a country of immigrants. Origin of immigrants. Geographical distribution of inmigration in Spain. Socio-economic features. Legalaspects of the immigration. Reasons for immigration to Spain. Consequences. Immigration and the economic crisis.

From emigration to immigration
XIX century, immigration to America. XX century.North Africa. 1950-70, Two million economic immigrants to Northen European countries.

Immigration flows
1970 s
The affluent sector: retirees Elite workers

1980 s


1990 sFrom transit to target. La inmigración inesperada

Year 1981 2000 2010

number of foreing residents in census 198.042 0,52% 923.879 5.708.940 2,28% 12,2%


10th recipient of immigrants2002: Spain receives 22% of immigrants to Europe. 2005: Spain receives 14.5% of immigrants to Europe. 2006: 600,000 immigrants arrive. 12% of Spain population are of non-national origin. 2009: 10,7%non-national, 4,6 million.

Countries of origin
Latin America 36.2% Sub-Saharan 4.12% Asia India 2.71% 1.4% Western Europe 21.06% Eastern Europe 17.7% Northen Africa 14.8%

Why Spain
Climate.Colonial past. Huge economic growth. Thriving underground economy. Plenty of jobs in tourism and agriculture. Immigrant legislation. Admission to the European Community. Proximity to Africa. Geographical distribution of immigrants/place of origin

Large cities; Madrid, Barcelona, growing importance of Valencia and Zaragoza. Coastal regions, EU citizens. Rural agricultural regions, NorthAfricans.

Socio-economic features of immigrants
Origin/geographic settlement. Age. Economic sector employed/origin. Gender/place of origin.

Ley de extranjería
Immigration viewed astemporary phenomenon. Control measures. Extremely difficult to renew work visas.

Acknowledges basic rights: Education, right to medical care, legal right to an interpreter when dealing with...
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