Insidences Register
What is an Accident and Incident Register?
An Accident and Incident Register is a document used to record a brief summary of all accidents andincidents that have occurred within the company over a period of time. The information is used to plan strategies for managing prevailing risks faced by the employees and management of the company.For example, it is very valuable to be able to trace back the history of incident and accident occurrences to realise that an accident involving eye damage that has just been reportedis the 4th similar occurrence in 6 to 12 months, or even 2 years.
The Accident and Incident Register should provide an overview of the following:
✓ Date and time of theincident or accident,
✓ The workers name, age and address,
✓ What task was the worker doing at the time of the incident or accident,
✓ Nature and date of the accidentor incident,
✓ Cause of the accident or incident?
✓ Was this a notifiable[1] occurrence?-
✓ Name of person filling out the report.
This register can beplaced at the front of the folder where the accident and or incident reports are stored, and used for quick and easy reference.
Accident and Incident Register
|Date and time of the|Injuredworkers name, age and|What task was the worker doing at|Nature and date of the accident or |Cause of the accident or incident? |Was this a notifiable occurrence|Name of person filling out this ||incident or accident|address |the time of the incident or |incident | ||report. |
| | |accident | | |...
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