
Páginas: 2 (435 palabras) Publicado: 25 de julio de 2010
Tiger of Tasmania (Thylacinus cynocephalus)
This mámifero, also known as wolf of Tasmania, talacino, wolf marsupial or Tiger of Tasmania was a carnivorous native marsupial of Australia. The lastcopy that was captured alive was sold to the Hobart Zoo of Tasmania in 1933 died in 1936. Newly then the Government of Tasmania it declared " protected species ", but already it was too much late.
Thetilacino had the great one seemed with the cánidos of other continents, in spite of not being related by them. As the canidos, it was the carnivorous one adapted to the capture of dams of small ormedium size. It had a stylized body, thin legs and thin tail. His hair was short with black or brown stripes in the back part, of there the name of "tiger". The jaws could be opened up to amazing ends,almost as those of a reptile, and it was provided with 46 teeth.
Before the arrival of the English colonists and the dingos, the tilacino did not have competition, but it could not face the newcompetitor. The assaults to the flocks of sheeps it did that the shepherds and the own colonial government to consider @ them to be necessary vermins of extermination. And they achieved it before the firsthalf of the 20th century.

Tigre de Tasmania (Thylacinus cynocephalus)
Este mámifero, también conocido como lobo de Tasmania, talacino, lobo marsupial o Tigre de Tasmania era un carnívoro marsupialnativo de Australia. El último ejemplar que se capturó vivo fue vendido al Hobart Zoo de Tasmania en 1933 murió en 1936. Recién entonces el Gobierno de Tasmania lo declaró “especie protegida”, peroya era demasiado tarde.

El tilacino tenía un gran parecido con los cánidos de otros continentes, a pesar de no estar emparentado con ellos. Al igual que los canidos, era un carnívoro adaptado a lacaptura de presas de tamaño pequeño o mediano. Tenía un cuerpo estilizado, patas finas y cola delgada. Su pelaje era corto con rayas negras o marrones en la parte trasera, de ahí el nombre de...
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