
Páginas: 4 (967 palabras) Publicado: 27 de abril de 2012

in the present work the students of complex educational Catholic faith and joy of the first year we will have a project generally consists of making an antibacterial soap. diseasesspread in many ways, such as coughing, sneezing, by direct skin to skin touching an object or surface germs. Infection-causing germs can be present in human waste and corpareles fluids (saliva, mucus,suppuration of injuries or wounds, suppuration of the eyes, blood and vomit).

Infected people can be carriers of various diseases without having any symptoms and may be infected before tried outsome clues.

Why antibacterial soaps have become essential for those who care about the possible diseases that can be purchased through the bacteria found anywhere. Los kill some bacteria by destroyingtheir cell walls and the rest simply be washed.


Is seen in the high school level of education complex Catholic faith and joy the little practice hygiene habits that affect health andgrooming student.

Overall objective

develop an antibacterial soap to reduce the rates of diseases caused by these bacteria due to poor practice habits; implementing the use and awareness tohelp the school and the community.

Specific objective

identify the needs of the use of antibacterial soap in high school, to reduce diseases caused by microorganisms.

Antibacterial soapmanufacture simply and economically in the laboratory d natural eciencias to benefit high school students.

Prepare a written report of each of the steps, analysis and results obtained during theperformance of the project.

Francisco Morazán Quezada
(Tegucigalpa, 3 de octubre de 1792 – San José de Costa Rica, 15 de septiembre de 1842)1 2 fue un militar y político quegobernó a la República Federal de Centro América durante el turbulento periodo de 1827 a 1842.
Saltó a la fama luego de su victoria en la legendaria Batalla de La Trinidad, el 11 de noviembre de 1827.3...
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