
Páginas: 2 (381 palabras) Publicado: 22 de octubre de 2014
posmodernidad la ética ha muerto dando paso a que los diversos antivalores sean liberados, incluso sean puestos de moda. Para desenmarañar esta trama o intentar salir del laberinto en el que seencuentra metida la sociedad contemporánea, sin duda, es fundamental que cada individuo encuentre el propio sentido de la vida. Para fortuna de la humanidad, la confusión y desorientación se puedencombatir con educación y ética.
Palabras clave: crisis de valores, violencia, cambio de valores, ética y educación.
Contemporary societies are characterized by a crisis of values. Lies, fear,theft, corruption, loneliness, depression or violence are common features. These characteristics create confusion and disorientation in people that make up these societies and which, eventually, willlead to unhealthy or pathological behavior. Violence is a harmful behavior that is shown in the behavior of children, youth and adults. In 2006 the World Health Organization (who) recognized thatviolence is a public health problem whose nature is complex because it includes several factors, such as biological, social, economic, political factors and family, as well. Violent behavior is shown: a) inthe family, b) in education, c) in the workplace,
d) in public spaces, e) in the media.
In the postmodern age, individuals experience a great deal of skepticism, confusion, emptiness andhedonism. For theorists of the postmodernism, ethics has died giving space to the release of various anti-values, becoming even fashionable. To unravel this plot or attempt to escape from the labyrinth inwhich contemporary society is stuck without doubt, it is essential that each individual finds their own meaning of life. Fortunately for mankind the confusion and disorientation can be combated witheducation and ethics.
Key words: crisis of values, violence, change of values, ethic, education.
confusIón y desoRIentAcIón en lA socIedAd contempoRáneA
En el mundo, distintos intelectuales de...
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