Lab report

Páginas: 2 (362 palabras) Publicado: 30 de abril de 2011
Lab report 5
Every element or ion has its own flame color. All the ions will change the flame into different colors.
Materials and reactants:
* Bunsen burner
* Copper (II)nitrate solution
* Calcium nitrate solution
* Potassium nitrate solution
* Lithium nitrate solution
* Strontium nitrate solution
* Unknown substance A
* Unknown substance B
*Unknown substance C
Ion | Flame color |
Na+ | Intense Yellow |
K+ | Lilac |
Ca2+ | Brick red |
Sr2+ | Red |
Li+ | Carmine Red |
Cu2+ | Emerald green |

Sample | Ion | Flamecolor | Name of the compound | Formula |
A | Iron Fe2+ | Gold | Iron (II) nitrate | Fe(NO3)2 |
B | Barium Ba2+ | Yellowish-green | Barium nitrate | Ba(NO3)2 |
C | Lead Pb2+ | Pale blue | Lead (II)nitrate | Pb(NO3)2 |

Every ion and compound make the flame color different, but there are some elements that can be confusing, because their flame color are very alike, so you have totry again, again, and again to identify the real substance.

Complementary tasks:
1. Where you able to see different colors for the metals?
Yes, the metals made different color, reallyvisible.
2. What did you discover?
That there are metals that may have alike colors, but there is always a way to know what is that metal.
3. Was the color from the metal or the non metal? How doyou know?
Yes, because I check them on internet.
4. What particles are found in the chemicals that may be responsible for the production of colored light?
5. Why do different chemicalsemit different color of light?
Because of their properties and characteristics.
6. Why do you think the chemicals have to be heated in the flame first before the colored light is emitted?Because when they are heated the produce energy, that is the one that transforms into colored light.
7. Propose at least one possible method for improving the accuracy of the results in this lab...
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