Las plantas

Páginas: 3 (697 palabras) Publicado: 22 de enero de 2014
Summary. Introduction. The idiopathic generalized epilepsies of childhood form a heterogeneous group of epileptic syndromes, with certain clinical and electroencephalographic characteristics incommon. From the onset, the seizures affect both cerebral hemispheres with generalized clinical expression and from the start there are bilateral electroencephalographic patterns during seizures. Theseepilepsies have no known causes, there is a genetic predisposition and relation to the age of onset. The electroen- cephalographic characteristics during and between seizures have points in common: thebasal electroencephalographic activity is normal in all the epilepsies of this group, the paroxystic anomalies are generalized, synchronic and symmetrical, and are formed of bilateral discharges ofspikes, multiple spikes, spikes and waves and multiple spikes and waves, with discharges at a frequency of 3 Hz or more. Development. In this article we review the electroencephalographic characteristicsduring and between seizures of the idiopathic generalized epilepsies and epileptic syndromes of childhood, with particular emphasis on childhood absences, since we consider this to be the commonestand most representative of the idiopathic generalized epilepsies of infancy. Conclusion. We consider that the electroencephalographic aspects of epilepsies and the epileptic syndromes make up a factorof great impor- tance as a help in confirmation in diagnosis. [REV NEUROL 2001; 32: 365-72] [] Key words. Child. Childhood. Electroencephalogram. Idiopathicgeneralized epilepsy. Multiple spikes. Multiple spike and wave. Spike. Spike and wave.
La Clasificación de las epilepsias y síndromes epilépticos con- templa criterios clínicos ycriterios electroencefalográficos (EEG) para su sistematización [1]. Aunque los aspectos clínicos son determinantes para el establecimiento del diagnóstico en cual- quier tipo de epilepsia, los aspectos EEG...
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