Learn English Lll Evidencias I Unidad

Páginas: 7 (1667 palabras) Publicado: 2 de octubre de 2011
Jesus Alberto Dominguez Gallegos. 2-04

1) Write each adjective in the correct column.

One-syllable adjectives | Two-syllable adjective ending with -y | Two or more syllables not ending with -y |
Short | Lazy | Athletic |
Shy | Pretty | Beautiful |
Big | Heavy | Talkative |
Thin | Friendly | Handsome |
Tall | Healthy | Hardworking |
Small | Quiet | Interesting |
| |Serious |

2) Write the comparative form of each adjective in the chart below.
One-syllable adjectives | Two-syllable adjective ending with -y | Two or more syllables not ending with –y |
Shorter Than | Lazier Than | More Athletic Than |
Shier Than | Prettier Than | More Beautiful Than |
Bigger Than | Heavier Than | More Talkative Than |
Thinner Than | Friendlier Than | MoreHandsome Than |
Taller Than | Healthier Than | More Hardworking Than |
Smaller Than | Quieter Than | More interesting Than |
| | More Serious Than |

3) Two brothers. Listen and complete the sentences about Jack and Julian.

1. Jack is more serious than Julian.
2. Jack is heavier than Julian.
3. Jack is thinner than Julian.
4. Jack isshorter than Julian.
5. Julian is more athletic than Jack.
6. Julian is more attractive than Jack.
7. Julian is healtier than Jack.
8. Julian is taller than Jack.

4) Two sisters. Look at the picture and compare lilia and Louisa. use the words in the box.

Healthy | Long |
Thin | Short |
Heavy | Lazy |
Attractive | Athletic|

1. Lilia is lazier than louisa.
2. Lilia is heavier than Louisa.
3. Louisa is healthier than Lilia.
4. Louisa is more attractive than Lilia.
5. Louisa is more athletic than Lilia.
6. Louisa is thinner than Lilia.
7. Louisa’s hair is longer than Lilia.
8. Lilia´s hair is shorter than Louisa.

5) Like father, like son. Listen and complete the sentences.1. Roger is as tall as Charles.
2. Roger is not as athletic as his father.
3. Charles is not as lazy as Roger.

6) Student to student dictation.

Student A: Turn to page 102.
Student B: Write the sentences Student A Dictates.
When you finish, changes pages.

1. Jose is not as Young as Hans.
Hans is not as old as Jose.
2. Jose´shair is not as long as hans’.
Hans’ hair is not as short as Jose´s.
3. Jose is as friendly as Hans.
Hans is not as short as Jose.
4. Jose likes soccer as much as Hans.
Hans is as popular as Jose.
5. Jose is not as tall as Hans.
6. Hans’ family is not as big as Jose’s.

7) Answer the questions abput your daily shedule and habits.
Questions | You | Your Partner |
1.What time do you get up? | 5:30 a.m. | 6:30 a.m. |
2. What do you eat for breakfast? | Eggs n’ Juice Orange | Nothing |
3. How many hours a week do you work? | No | No |
4. is your job stressful | No | No |
5. How many people are there in your family? | 4 | 3 |
6. How many hours a day do you watch T.V.? | Four hours | Two hours |
7. How many hours a night do you sleep?| Eight hours | Nine hours |

8) Ask yours partner the same questonis. Write the answers.

* I get up to the 6:30 a.m.
* I don’t eat breakfast.
* I don’t work.
* No.
* There are 3 people at my house.
* I watch T.V. two hours.
* I sleep nine hours.

9) Circle the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. I get up as early as / earlier than / later tanmy partner.
2. I eat as much as / more than / less than my partner.
3. I work as much as / more than / less than my partner.
4. My job is as stressful as / more strassful than / less stressful than my partner’s.
5. My family is as large as / not as large as / larger than my partner’s.
6. I watch T.V. as often as / more often than / less often than my partner.
7. I sleep...
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