Lenguaje Corporal
How to read others’ thoughts by their gestures
ALLAN PEASE is the managing director of a
management consultancy company based in
Sydney, Australia. He produces books, films, and
cassettes that are used by numerous organisations around the world to train personnel in
communication skills. He did ten years’ study,
interviewing and research before writing BODY
LANGUAGE.Overcoming Common Problems
How to read others’ thoughts by their gestures
Allan Pease
First published 1981 by Camel Publishing Company,
Box 1612, North Sydney, 2060, Australia
Copyright © Allan Pease 1981
First published March 1984 by Sheldon Press,
SPCK Building, Marylebone Road, London
Tenth impression 1988
All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by any information
storage or retrieval system, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Pease, Allan
Body language. – (Overcoming common problems)
1. Nonverbal communication
I. Title II. Series
001.56 P99.5ISBN 0-85969-406-2
Printed in Great Britain
at the University Printing House, Oxford
A Framework for Understanding
Territories and Zones
Palm Gestures
Hand and Arm Gestures
Hand-to-Face Gestures
Arm Barriers
Leg Barriers
Other Popular Gestures and Actions
Eye Signals
Courtship Gestures and Signals
Cigars, Cigarettes, Pipes andGlasses
Territorial and Ownership Gestures
Carbon Copies and Mirror Images
Body Lowering and Status
Desks, Tables and Seating Arrangements
Power Plays
Putting It All Together
I wish to thank the following people who have directly and indirectly contributed to
this book: Noel Bishop, Raoul Boielle, Ty Boyd, Sue Brannigan, Matthew Braund,
DougConstable, John Cooke, Sharon Cooper, Chris Corck, Brett Davies, Dr Andre
Davril, George Deveraux, Rob Edmonds, Iven Frangi, Rex Gamble, Dave Goodwin,
Jan Goodwin, Paul Gresham, Gerry Hatton, John Hepworth, Bob Heussler, Gay Huber,
Professor Phillip Hunsaker, Dianne Joss, Jacqueline Kent, Ian McKillop, Delia Mills,
Desmond Morris, Virginia Moss, Wayne Mugridge, John Nevin, Peter Opie, DianaO’Sullivan, Richard Otton, Ray Pease, David Plenderleith, David Rose, Richard
Salisbury, Kim Sheumack, Jan Smith, Tom Stratton, Ron Tacchi, Steve Tokoly, Keith
Weber, Alan White, Rob Winch and the Australian Jaycees.
When I first heard about ‘body language’ at a seminar in 1971, I became so excited
about it that I wanted to learn more. The speaker told us about some of the research
doneby Professor Ray Birdwhistell at the University of Louisville, which had shown
that more human communication took place by the use of gestures, postures, position
and distances than by any other method. At that time I had been a commission salesman
for several years and had undergone many long, intensive courses on selling techniques,
but none of these courses had ever mentioned anything aboutthe non-verbal aspects or
implications of face-to-face encounters.
My own investigations showed that little useful information was available on body
language and, although libraries and universities had records of the studies done on it,
most of this information consisted of closely set manuscripts and theoretical
assumptions compiled in an objective manner by people who had little or nopractical
experience in dealing with other human beings. This does not mean that their work was
not important; simply that most of it was too technical to have any practical application
or use by a layman like myself.
In writing this book, I have summarised many of the studies by the leading
behavioural scientists and have combined them with similar research done by people in
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