Leopold Bio

Páginas: 2 (286 palabras) Publicado: 24 de noviembre de 2012
1.       Aldo Leopold was considered the father of wild life and ecology. He was a scientist, a scholar, a teacher, a philosopher and a writer. He is well known for a book hewrote called A Sand County Almanac. Leopold is very significant in the environmental field because while in the U.S Forest Service, he began to see the land as a living organismand he developed the concept of community.

      The book A Sand County Almanac,  was written in 1949. This book describes Aldo Leopold’s surroundings; it describes Sauk County,Wisconsin.

Ornithologist: a zoologist who studies birds. Subterfuges: A statement or action resorted to in order to deceive. Circumlocutions: The use of unnecessarily wordyand indirect language. Fiat: A formal authorization or proposition. Relegate: Consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position. Mastodon: A large, extinct, elephant likemammal. Accretions: The process of growth or increase, typically by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter. Biota: The animal and plant life of a particular region,habitat, or geological period. Ascribed: attribute or credit to. Ethic: A set of principles of right conduct.

Aldo Leopold’s thesis is that we should look at the land around usas a community, not only including humans but also animals and everything that is in it.

Leopold supports his thesis by giving examples of for example how government looksat communities.

In order to understand this essay I had to read it more than once. I also went online and did some research.

Aldo Leopold environmentalist and writer,says in his essay, The Land Ethic, that “one of the requisites for an ecological comprehension of land is an understanding of ecology” (128). One must understand ecology.

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