Libreto En Inglés Para Un Noticiero

Páginas: 2 (327 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2012
The New News
P1: Catalina

P1=Good afternoon televiewers from Colombia and whole the world, In the new news is the only channel thathas the information for you.
We are going to present the Entitles
* Today May twenty eighth of two thousand ten we are going to talk about the dangers in the social nets, the good things and badthings.
* The disturbances in the National University and how affects to the students and the teachers
* In the sports section we’ll see an appetizer for Mundial and a secrets about South Africa.* In our section health we’ll talk about a society taboo, we are talking about sex, we’ll give a tips for the good sex.

All this when wecoming soon…
Have you broken a Condom? Well we have a solution for your problems… we present a new condom JK
Is a uncial condom!!
If you use JK condoms, we’ll give you a new sensation.
P2: We come back with the new news.. Well the Facebook is a tool very useful for our live, but there are people that used that for the badthings; frequently has occurred crimes for the young people, like extortions, violations and loots. For example this girl that didn’t have carefulness with the social net Facebook, she accepted ainvitation from a strange and he was a criminal, by this simple fact she was murdered and her body hasn’t been found.
P1: incidents occurred yesterday in the National University when the ELN took thesquare of the university… the police can’t enter university because students will protect the deal they don’t want the police force on university campus.

P2: hi viewers, today in the sport section ushave a bad news and good news about the Mundial South Africa 2010, who you want listen first… the good news or the bad news??
Ok let’s go with the bad news... Africa with these problems in...
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