
Páginas: 4 (926 palabras) Publicado: 29 de enero de 2013
Partes del cuerpo
Español | INGLÉS | Se lee |
Boca | Mouth | / máuz / |
Brazo | Arm | / áarm / |
Cabeza | Head | / héd / |
Cara | Face | / féis / |
Codo | Elbow | / élbou / |
Corazón |Heart | / hárt / |
Dedos | Fingers | / fínguers / |
Diente | Tooth | / túuz / |
Dientes | Teeth | / tíiz / |
Espalda | Back | / bák / |
Español | INGLÉS | Se lee |
Labios | Lips | / lips/ |
Mano | Hand | / hánd / |
Nariz | Nose | / nous / |
Ojos | Eyes | / áis / |
Orejas | Ears | / íars / |
Pie | Foot | / fút / |
Pierna | Leg | / leg / |
Pies | Feet | / fíit / |Rodilla | Knee | / níi / |
Uñas | Nails | / néils / |


Never too late to bring a touch of passion to love life

It's time to fight boredom, routine and boredom loving. A younger person isgiving you around while you continue turning the other way. Certainly the passion surrounding your aura and right now there is a strong emphasis on your relationships to help you rebuild your life ifyou had problems in the past due to misinterpretation. Dare, Libran, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The Moon continues moving through Virgo, Venus is in Capricorn and Mercuryin Aquarius. The passion envelops you and always imparts strength to all that you see how even the most complicated and difficult situations are given and you find yourself back on the path of loveand enjoyment back intimate total.


Do not get worked, you could confuse sentimentally

If you are interested in a non prosigas short relationship and tie before more directly involvedin the matter. Avoid stressful situations right now because confusion could arise sentimental romantic in your world and cause unexpected problems if you do not act with intelligence and wisdom.Fortunately, your sixth sense is now very refined and better understand what to do to move forward with your projects and achieve your goals.

The Moon continues moving through Virgo, Venus is in...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas