Global warming threatens the ice shelf in Antarctica
Antarctica is a regulator of global climate, but as was the last continent to discover and explore, is also proving to be the last area ofthe earth in which experts are revealing the processes of global warming and the prospects for future decades. And the white continent is proving to be very vulnerable to climate change. The Antarcticice shelves, ie extensions over the sea ice mass covering the continent, have decreased in thickness up to seven meters per year on average between 2003 and 2008, according to data collected by thesatellite ICESat, the NASA. This process ice loss is due mainly to the warm water inlet under the platform-melting occurs at the bottom-most to the increase in air temperature would cause loss of ice onthe surface.
"We've seen entire Antarctic coast and the pattern is clear: the ice shelf is melting by the ocean and the flow of glaciers into the sea is accelerating," said Hamish Pritchard of theBritish Antarctic Survey scientist (BAS, in their acronym) has led to analysis of ICESat data, presented in the journal Nature. "This acceleration of glaciers is responsible for most of the increase inice loss on the continent and its contribution to sea level rise."
El calentamiento global amenaza la plataforma helada de la Antártida
La Antártida es un regulador del clima del planeta, peroigual que fue el último continente por descubrir y explorar, también está resultando ser la última zona de la Tierra en la que los expertos van desvelando los procesos del calentamiento global y lasperspectivas para las próximas décadas. Y el continente blanco está resultando ser muy vulnerable al cambio climático. Las plataformas heladas antárticas, es decir, las extensiones sobre el mar de lasmasas de hielo que cubren el continente, han disminuido en grosor hasta siete metros por año de media entre 2003 y 2008, según los datos tomados por el satélite ICEsat, de la NASA. Este proceso de...
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