
Páginas: 4 (757 palabras) Publicado: 12 de marzo de 2013
Emilia Amaya
Group A

Reflection Paper – Communication in the Business Environment

As this is a class to communicate better, it has helped me in both ways business and interpersonal. A goodcommunication can be learn by any of us, but just when we are willing to do it, when we know that it will bring good to our lives and work. With family, friends, coworkers, bosses, and even with us weare always communicating.

There are many obstacles before the message gets to the receiver, and for the receiver to understand the real meaning of you want to say might be hard. In a normal life typeof style this helps because we communicate with everyone, when going to say something it can influences if we are mad, or if we don’t like the topic. All kind of obstacles can make a bad impressionor a bad concept and to rebuild a good image can take a while. This is why conflict resolution skills are important, because everyone has a different perception and to solve the problem we can followthe crucial confrontation model: before, think on the facts and not just to image the worst; during, look for a safe place for all people involved in the conflict to talk about it and to get a win -win situation; after, to make together an action plan to solve the conflict.

In a business area to make our self clear with ideas or improvements for the company we can follow the five secrets ofeffective communication. On the first one we need to prepare, there is an old phrase that says “Think before you talk” and in this step is exactly the same. If we don’t know a 100% our idea we can screwup on a conversation and say something that we don’t want to. Second, if we want to say something to someone there has to be something interesting for them also because if not they might pretend tohear what we are saying but not really understanding why. Third, also to make them involved in the idea or topic we need to pay attention on what they are saying so it will be fear for everyone and if...
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