Liderazgo esperado de la mujer en el desarrollo social

Páginas: 3 (628 palabras) Publicado: 3 de septiembre de 2009
“Women Expected Leadership in Social Development”

“You need to be supportive of your people because leading is about serving; It’s what I believe a strong leader does, regardless of gender”Social development let individuals get along with other people in their community; is being around other people and being able to socialize.

In the past few decades, women worldwide haveaccomplished slot. But the evil of inequality still reins, and violence and humiliation against women continues.

Women's presence in social leadership plays a vital role in social development. Today, givingmore power to women is described as the "engine of development."

The reality is that in the current circumstances, where the balance of power does not favor women in different societies, developmentis advanced by relying on a worldview of despotism; the way out of this impasse is by recognizing the role women could play; because it not only combines women's amazing force with the force ofprogress, but sweeps away barriers and obstacles to such progress, the male-dominated culture.

Successful development depends on the use of every available resource and this includes women. Unless acountry’s constitutional, legal, judicial and electoral framework addresses gender equality, then no matter what else happens after conflict; the country and societies themselves will never have a fulland fair chance at development.

The role of women is all too often obscured. This is a costly mistake. We cannot talk about the role of women in social development without acknowledging thisterrible reality.

At the same time, we need to remember that in war as in peace, it is women that keep the social fabric together, tending the sick and injured, replacing dislocated services, maintainingthe economic life of society. If the role of women in general development was defined by their role in conflicts, it would be a well-known role indeed.
Women have been shown to be bridge builders...
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