Los ovnis

Páginas: 8 (1810 palabras) Publicado: 22 de junio de 2010
1.- Introduction:
Well we chose this topic because it is really interesting for us to know about this mystery we want to show you all the possible evidence to the existence of beings from another planet and we could be alert and confident that we are not alone in all the universe and perhaps in a future not too long we can decrypt all these signals or evidence that these beings have left in ourplanet and so be able to make contact with them to improve our world with their new technology that we have not been able to discover yet.
2.- ¿What is an UFO?
The term Unidentified Flying Object, best known for UFO), refers to the sighting of a flying object, real or apparent, which cannot be identified by the observer and which origin is still unknown after an investigation. We usually relatedto UFOs like flying saucers. Although sightings of unusual aerial phenomena date back to antiquity, the term flying saucer was popularized in 1947.We could say that was a mistake.
3.- Ovnis in the Past
Maya culture had a great knowledges about the world, they knew that the Earth was circular and they didn’t had telescopes to know that, also they knew of the existence of Uranus and Neptune,those thing didn’t knew in Europe until 1781 and 1846.
Mayan culture had an exact timing, even their constructions were very difficult for a occidental culture of a continent that recently was discovered, that means that they were helped by aliens who were took for gods.
Like the Mayan culture the Egyptian received alien help, why do I say this? It’s simple because their pyramids are precise andperfect geometric forms, those pyramids were impossible to build in those times because how they could leave up the great stones? Even now we can do others pyramids but not with the precise of the pyramids of Egypt.

4.-Space sightings
Following the classification made by Dr. Hynek, the sightings are clasificate in three categories or stages
In the first type the people saw the UFO. The secondtype is when the UFO leave observable traces and the third type is when the people has contact or communication with the ship or another alien life forms
the first sightings was in 1947 this year the pilot Kenneth Arnold saw while he was flying nine artifacts objects really strange near mount rainier in the state of Washington. Arnold told these objects are like ships
In 1561 April 4 there was aswarm of alleged UFOs over the city of Nuremberg, Germany

In 1868 copiapo Chile urologist officially described the first modern documented sightings

In 1977 a UFO hurt 35 people and kill 2 men
In 1978 the people of New Zealand saw the lights of the UFO
Recently there was a video when a student of medicine can take pictures of a UFO in the city of Brazil.
5.- Apolo 11 and constructionson the moon
The Transmision of apolo 11
This is a part of the transmission of apolo 11 the day of they landed at the moon.
Astronaut 1: But! What is it?
Astronaut 2: You have some explanation for that?
Houston: We have (not), don't worry, continue your program!
Astronaut 1: Oh boy it's a, it's, it, it is reallysomething (similar to) fantastic here, you, you could never imagine this!
Houston: Roger, we know about that, could you go the other way, go back the other way!
Astronaut 1: Well it's kind of (rigged) ha, pretty spectacular ...... god ... what is that there?
Astronaut 1: It's (hollow), what the hell is that?
Houston: Go Tango, Tango!
Astronaut 1: Ha!There's kind of light there now!
Houston: Roger, we got it, we (watched it), lose comunication, Bravo Tango, Bravo Tango, select Jezebel, Jezebel!
Astronaut 1: ... ya, ha!... but this is unbelivable! ...
Astronauta 1: ¡Pero! ¿Qué es aquello?
Astronauta 2: ¿Tenéis alguna explicación?
Houston:No tenemos, ¡no os preocupéis, seguid con el programa!
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