Los Prepas
“Por favor Dios Mio ayudame en el dia de hoy….”
I have never been so scared in my life . . . Ar 6: a.m , I was so nervous combing my hair, that I must have combed it about five times.My parents didn’t have any idea of how frightened I was as I kept looking at my new uniform in front of the mirror. I have never felt so tense in my life like the way I was feeling that Augustmorning . It was my first day of classes at Teodoro Aguilar Mora High school in Yabucoa . Not only it was my first day of classes , but it was also my first day ever in that school .
Unfortunately , I wasgoing to tenth grade . . . teap .. . I was a “prepa”
On that Monday morning , things didn’s start so well . The school bus was late picking us up and we arrived late to school . . . just aboutfifteen minutes before my first class. As I was coming out of the bus , my legs were shaking and I was panicking . my heart was pounding so hard , that I couldn’t control myself. I thought it was anightmare . the whole school was already crowded with hundreds of students from the different barrios . I began walking towards the school and I noticed a brunch of tough- looking guis who were lined upright at the school entrance almost blocking the way in for us . they were laughing and goofing around . . . and they were all looking and waiting for us. As soon as we approached the entrance , thehorrible shouthing began .
PREPAAAAAAS. . . prepaaas…llegaron los prepaaas… prepaaas !
We squeezed our way in as they pushed and laughed ay us . I almost wanted to cry right there . in the middle ofthe confusion , I recognized some guys from my own barrio in the crowd. Thy were seniors and they were laughing at me too .the shouting turned louder and wilder . . . prepas prepas prepas .
Inoticed that some students starded running in front of me and I quickly followed them . I realized that they knew exactly where to go since they stropped right in front of the principal’s office where a...
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