Maid maps

Páginas: 4 (910 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2009



Hand-Outs. Are good choices but only in certain circumstances. They’re pages, it might be one page, it might beseveral pages, and it might be several pages stapled together. It could be documentation like writing or it could charts and graphs and maps and pictures or anything else. What you want to be carefulabout with Hand-Outs, one; how big is your audience. Because, it may not be cost-effective for you to copy.

People will be going to start thumb and through them,
reading them and they will becomea big distraction.
The noise of them will be a distraction. But also,
You will lose some of your audience's attention because they're reading or reading ahead or trying to find out when the lunchbreak is.

Maps, models, pictures, you can use transparencies, you can use the slides, and you can use computer technology improved, which also include PowerPointpresentations.

• One of the very obvious choices for
Visual aids are a chalkboard, or a white board.

• They are not good if you have a whole lot of informationthat you want to present.

It is next tool that you may want to use for visual aids, poster boards or boards of foam core.

The next choice you might consider A good option it is called a flipChart they are loaded with Plain white paper. So you can write, and then you flip the page over.

The next Visual Aide is a Transparency. You can write at the moment or bring the material ready, andis placed over overhead projectors the image is projected on the wall or a white cloth.

Another Visual Aide:

You can use little figures of houses or buildings. This is something that you wouldsee in the profession, in the field of maybe architecture or scene design, home building. Basically, it is a little tinny tiny reconstruction of what the big thing going to look like.

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